I led her down the grand stairwell, our feet echoing against the polished flagstone. The castle was built into the side of a mountain and part of the walls was unfinished stone, giving it an austere yet inviting atmosphere.

As we descended, her shoulders drew higher in apprehension; I had no doubts she was regretting coming with me. We passed through a wide archway and entered the crowded ballroom.

The halls were adorned with tapestries showing battles during the Godsfall in brilliant reds and golds, while oil lamps lit up every corner, giving it a soft ethereal glow that rivaled even the stars outside. The floor was a mosaic of marble tiles arranged in swirls and waves within circles that seemed almost alive. Each breath we took seemed to bring them to life as they shimmered in response. At one end of the room, there was an orchestra made up of Elven musicians playing gentle melodies on ancient instruments; the sound like liquid light. At the other, there was a raised platform covered with velvety fabrics and pillows where guests could rest during interludes between dances and conversations.

“Prince Theron Axidor and…” The announcer trailed off as he stared, at a loss for words. All eyes turned to us as I swept her into the ballroom, the courtiers erupting into whispers.

Lily glared at me and I hid a smile, taking in the court in full regalia for the first time in years. Atar’s balls, I hated it.

“You’ve lost your mind.” Raenisa hissed, stalking up to me in a yellow dress that showcased her muscular frame. “You brought your concubine?”

“Why not? Nyana made it clear that she wanted me to get close to the She-snake. This—“ I slung an arm around Lily’s shoulders that she immediately stepped out of, shooting a glare my way ”—is a buffer.” I clenched my hand, my fingertips itching to touch her soft skin again.

“I don’t know if I’m happy or not that you’re directing some of her poison away from me.” Raenisa pondered, her mouth pursed in a thoughtful moue. “Then again, now it’s abundantly clear to everyone that I’m available.”

“Sorry, Rae.” I snagged a custard tart topped with milkweed thistle from a passing waiter. “We only have to get through the next week.”

“And then what?” She glowered at me. “You brushed away your mother’s offer to get out of Adraedor, but I don’t get what the plan is anymore.”

Herrath joined us, wearing the Tavador colors of silver and emerald, and catching Raenisa’s comment. “We hold the line and see what the emperor asks of us.”

She scowled at him. “We’re not all paragons of perfect sons, Herrath. Just because you’re alright sitting and waiting for someone to tell you what to do doesn’t mean that I am.”

“That’s because you haven’t looked ahead,” I said, pulling Lily to my side once more. She ignored me, instead studying the room as if eying the best escape routes.

“I swear to Atar if you quote your family words to me one more time...”

I chuckled. “Think about it, Rae. Of the factions, there are only a few contenders for the throne. And any choice gets us out of here.”

“Just explain it, fuckhead.”

“First, there is the Carxidor, Vennorin, Tavador, and Lazan alliance.”

“You forgot Gairis,” Herrath put in.

“And Findis, the rat bastards,” Raenisa added, setting her empty glass on a waiter’s passing tray.

Herrath shot her a cool look. His mother was Lord Findis’ first-born daughter.

I waved it off. “Rhazien has the strongest claim since he’s the eldest born of a Carxidor bloodline and there’s no way I’ll be chosen. My mother allied with Raura long ago, binding the Vennorins to the throne financially, but not by blood, since the empress hadn’t conceived. That’s why Nyana needs Tannethe with Rhazien or me. Black Theo and his siblings aren’t a threat, but they don’t realize it. Regardless, if it was Rhazien or Theodas, neither one of them would want me in charge of Adraedor and their cash flow. That’s giving me too much power. Much better to send me overseas to Iophith, where I’m not a visible threat, and install someone they trust.”

Herrath gave a nod as if he’d thought of this as well. No doubt he had as the only son of the Tavador line. They were one of the oldest noble houses but had always had trouble conceiving, and with the lack of marriage alliances and dwindling capital, their political influence had waned. Now they only had one heir to pin all their hopes on.

“What about the others? The Sarro cousins and Zerek and his brother, Xavier, have a claim.”

“The Sarros have the next strongest claim after Rhazien and I since they’re related to the throne twice through the Sarros and Ceadors. But the Young Bear is too hot-headed, Varzorn would never choose her and the youngest is too sweet to be taken seriously.”

“Their brother Xadrian is an option.” Herrath pointed out.

I nodded. “The Darkstar is a wild card.”

“Did you hear that he’s been adding Heliot onto his surname?” Raenisa made a face. “One stripe of silver hair and he’s suddenly leaning into his Sálfar heritage.” Raenisa took a sip, then held the glass to her forehead. “Ambrosia.”

“The emperor would never go for it.” Herrath shook his head. “It doesn’t matter that he can use celestial metals—“

“Barely,” Raenisa muttered.

“Varzorn hates the Sálfar.”