He smiled as if pleased I was talking to him without prodding. “Adds strength. Other metals and stones have unique properties, but they all affect the body. Unlike the celestial metals which influence the world outside of us. Now we have to rely on old speaking stones because we can’t make them anymore.”

That was a solid piece of intel. If we could destroy their speaking stones, it would hobble their military.

“What about the rest? Silver, copper—”

He cut me off. “Nope. Time for the favor first.”

I narrowed my eyes on him. “What do you want?”

“For you to take a drink.” He held the goblet to my lips, and my heart started beating wildly in my chest. In the desert, a man giving water to a woman by hand was part of our marriage ceremony. His pledge that she would always drink first and the symbol that bound them. My cheeks flushed as I fought to stay calm. There was no way he knew about that. This was just more power plays with him. Forcing me to be docile like you’d train an animal by feeding it by hand. It meant nothing.

I leaned closer, letting him press the metal against my lower lip and tipping it up. The desire in his eyes made it hard for me to focus on anything else as I drank, his gaze never leaving mine.

“Happy now?” I asked, my voice tight.


I stood abruptly, determined to not let his manipulations get under my skin again.

“I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”

“Want company?” He called, a laugh in his voice.

I paused at the door, turning to look at him. “You know I’m going to escape, right?” I threw back, my tone challenging.

He raised an eyebrow. “Good luck with that,” he said, his words dripping with amusement.

The dismissive asshole. How dare he think he could control me like some kind of pet? My thoughts drifted back to the way his fingers had brushed against my lips and the heat in his eyes as I had drunk from his goblet, which only fueled my anger.

Without waiting for a reply, I marched into his bedroom, my heart pounding with wrath and frustration. But despite my bravado, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was right. I was trapped, and I didn’t know how to get out. I stripped the blankets off the mattress. Dragging them with me into the sparring room, I set up a makeshift bed on the mat and settled in for the night. I collapsed onto the pile of bedding, exhausted from the day’s events. As I closed my eyes, images of Theron’s intense gaze filled my mind. His lips on mine, his hands on my skin. I shook my head, trying to push the thoughts away. He was my enemy, and my brain needed to remember that, no matter what his magic tried to tell me.

Sleep never came easily to me, and tonight was no different. I was still awake when the door creaked open, and through slitted eyes, I saw him standing there watching me, his outline stark in the firelight. I drifted off while gazing at him, my body no longer able to remain awake as I tumbled into a dreamless dark.

Chapter 7


Itiedonmybelt, slipping my short sword into the scabbard. Striker, the bastard, had stolen its twin years ago when he’d escaped in a mass slave revolt. I still had the other sword’s sheath, waiting for its return. One of these days, I’d finally kill him and reclaim it.

“What do you think, my lord? Kadir thought coordinating with your armor would be best.” I turned to find Mirijana gesturing to my irascible concubine as she strode through the door. My cock pulsed as I took her in. She wore a tiny red top that was little more than strings, with a ribcage fashioned from gold over the fabric. A series of looping threads with jingling adornments dangled from the rib bones, matching the golden bone bangles on her wrists. A scarlet skirt hung low on her hips, made of only a narrow panel of fabric in the front and back, with her muscular legs exposed.

I strolled over to her, running a finger down the golden sternum as she narrowed her eyes at me. It was solid underneath the veneer. It would deflect a blade. “This is good quality. Send the tailor a gift on my behalf. Be generous.”

“Of course, my lord.”

Lily glared, raising her hand to touch her hair that was held in place with a claw of gilded finger bones and sharp sticks. Soft cosmetics darkened her pale lashes, making her green eyes blaze. Kadir had gone all out, enhancing her dangerous beauty. “Why is this necessary?”

I smoothed my black dress shirt, considering pulling on my bone armor. Part of the reason I wore it was to show that I didn’t need the magical enhancements they did to be the best. Going unadorned would only increase that assumption.

“Because you’re accompanying me to the ball tonight as my guest.”

She stared at me, her mouth falling open. “Why?”

“For you to entertain me, of course.” Her sneer made me chuckle. I didn’t know what madness had possessed me to claim her, but I didn’t regret it. I hadn’t laughed so much in years.

“Come on,Sia.”

She sighed. “Let’s get this over with.”