Page 89 of Insufferable Boss

"You're serious?" I ask, and he nods.

"Yeah. That's if you're really considering what we talked about yesterday. I mean, our only options right now are to either fight for the next two weeks or leave the country."

He said it so calmly, but something about the words just made me want to laugh. In relief, in amusement, in agreement.

"Can we really do that?"

He rose to his feet, his gaze on me, and then he came over to me. And with each step he took, I could feel my heart about to burst out of my chest.

Still, I managed to hold my ground, and eventually, he was before me.

I could smell his sweet, familiar scent of musk and vanilla bean, and it caused a whiff of intoxication, even though I knew he didn't smoke. And it was all intoxicating. My gaze fluttered down to his lips, and I knew exactly what they could do to me, to every inch of my body, and all over again, I wanted him so much that it felt like I was going to lose my mind.

His gaze slightly went to the door Diana had disappeared into, and when he came even closer to where our chests were touching, I knew what he wanted to do, and I had no qualms whatsoever about it. He held onto my arm, and I could feel goosebumps breaking out across my skin.

"I must look a mess," I had to admit then because he was now incredibly close, and I could feel my hair sticking out everywhere.

"You do," he said, and I laughed again. But then his arm slid slowly around the side of my neck, and then he pulled me in even further to kiss me.

It was slow, elevating, electrifying, and in no time, I was melting into his arms. He sucked softly on my lips, slid his tongue in, and we both completely lost ourselves.

Suddenly, however, there was a noise coming from Diana's room, something sudden and loud as though she had knocked something over, and as a result, we were forced to come to a stop. I didn't want to, however. I couldn't have cared less if she walked in on us, but he did, especially because they were just meeting for the first time.

"Where would you like to go?" he asked, brushing the hair from my face.



Turkey was definitely not my destination of choice, but as I looked into her beautiful eyes and felt the excitement in them, there was nothing else I could say but yes. Plus, I didn't have any better ideas. However, as I picked her up from her apartment later that evening and we were driven to the private tarmac, it quickly became clear to me that if I agreed with every request she had, we wouldn't have much to talk about or anything to argue about, for that matter. Still, I found it quite peculiar that she was so calm.

As soon as we arrived, we were rushed up to the private plane, and there we took our seats, though they were across the aisle from each other. There was a sofa just up ahead that we could have shared, but neither of us seemed familiar enough with each other to do so, and so we remained in our own seats. I was extremely tempted to check for news from the office, but I refrained from doing so to the best of my ability. After shutting off my phone, I put it away, and that's when I faced the second problem of what the hell I was supposed to do with myself if I wasn't fully occupied with work.

I glanced at her from time to time and noticed that she was continually typing messages on her phone, which made me wonder if I was the only one who had completely let go of the reins.

"Are you in touch with Standard Rock?" I asked, and she looked up.

"No," she replied. "We got a new graphics designer back in LA. I'm just reviewing some of the newsletter designs he created to see if he's a good fit."

"So, no contact with Standard Rock at all?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"I'm scared to have any contact with them after what you told me. I instructed the guy at the front desk that any attempts to contact me should not be allowed."

I nodded and turned away, and eventually, I noticed that she put her phone away and turned to face me.

"You're really not going to do any work?" she asked, and I nodded.


"How does it feel?"

"How do you think it feels?" I asked, shutting my eyes. Although I wanted to look at her and engage, I also wanted to settle, so I chose to approach things a bit more casually.

"A quiet storm," she said, and I smiled.

"Is a storm ever quiet? You just choose to ignore it."

"You're not going to actually enjoy this vacation, are you?" she asked, and I turned to stare at her.