Page 118 of Relentless

“Just saying. I think if you can find common ground then—” I glare at her and she thankfully stops talking. “Anyway, I told Kane, showed him the bullshit scan photo I had doctored to look like mine and well… all hell broke loose. Turns out, it was the worst possible thing I could have done to Letty, and as punishment, I ended up in Reid’s custody.”

“Kane knows the truth now though, right?”

“Yeah. Reid got Ellis to pull my medical records. Shared them with Kane. I’ve since told Letty everything too.”

“You’ve spoken to her?”

“Yeah, she came to visit me in the basement. It was… weird. But kinda good in a strange way.”

“Right. So where do we go from here? Do you really trust them?”

She falls silent for a few seconds, but I already know her answer, I can see it swirling in her light blue eyes.

“Yes. I think I do.”

“Fuck’s sake.”

“I know how you feel about this. Trust me, I do. But I truly believe that we want the same outcome here.”

“Reid just wants power.” I scoff.

“No,” she argues. “He wants what’s right for this town and the people in it. And that isn’t Victor.”

“Says the drug dealer?” I quip.

“If you’re going to try and take the moral high ground like you’re better than him then you’re barking up the wrong tree here, babe.”

With a sigh, I agree. We’ve all done plenty of bad shit over the years for a whole host of reasons. I’m not in a place to judge anyone.

“So we’re all going to become friends, make an army and take them down one corrupt fuck at a time?”

“I don’t know the details, but according to JD, Reid has been working on a plan for a long time.”

Lifting my hand, I scrub it across my face as I try and process all this.

I came here to free her, to bring her home, to remove her from Reid’s clutches. And yet, here I am being sucked right in alongside her.

“Can’t we just walk out the front door and go home?” I ask, hopefully.

“We probably could. I haven’t tested the doors, but something tells me that I’m not locked up anymore. If they are locked, I’d be inclined to say that it’s to keep others out, not us in.”

“They really have left an impression on you, haven’t they?”

“Other than the obvious?” she asks, flicking her drying hair from her face and thrusting her tits out to signify her new piercings.

“Yeah,” I mutter, swallowing thickly as I think about those pretty little gems in her nipples. I’ve never been a massive fan of piercings or ink on girls. Call me old-fashioned, but I like my women feminine. Probably because I spend most of my time with foul-mouth gangsters. Coming home to someone a little softer, prettier, and who smells a hell of a lot better than those sweaty motherfuckers has been heaven. But fuck if those little pink gems didn’t do it for me.

“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you?” she teases, her eyes darting to my quickly swelling dick because, yes, I’m very much thinking about them. “I didn’t think I’d like them either. Seems that Reid might know me better than I know myself.”

“He’s an asshole for forcing them on you.”

She shrugs one shoulder. “Would you judge me if I said the whole thing was pretty hot?”

I still. “I never judge you, Doll.”

She raises a brow. “No?”

“No.” I hold her stare.