Page 117 of Relentless


“And he also knew that I’d do anything to protect you, just like you have me so…”

“Here we are,” I mutter. “Fuck, I hate that cunt.”

“You’re not the only one,” Alana muses with a heavy sigh.

“So?” I prompt.

“Right, yeah. So he tasked me to go after Kane and try to stop him from leaving.”

“Jesus, talk about setting you up to fail. Kane’s had one foot out the door for a long time.”

I shrug. “We all knew that. But Victor wants what he wants. And he decided that I had what it took to convince him otherwise.”

My teeth grind. I’ve no experience, but is her pussy really good enough to keep men that in line?

I guess the fact that Kane is now gone and embarking on a new life might prove it’s not.


My fists clench. The nails of my free hand dig painfully into my palm while the other trembles as I grip the mug so hard, it’s at risk of shattering and covering me in boiling coffee.

Tipping my head back, I stare up at the ceiling and take a calming breath.

“Are you sure you want to hear this?” Alana asks hesitantly.

No, absolutely fucking not.

“Yeah,” I force out, lifting my head again and looking her dead in the eyes.

She nods and continues, “It wasn’t working, and it only got worse when Letty returned. He was—is—so in love with her, it was painful to watch. I was going to fuck everything up for them, but I didn’t have a choice. Victor was breathing down my neck, desperate for results. But I couldn’t get them for him. So he made a suggestion that he thought would work.”

She sips her coffee, averting her eyes from mine.

“He told me to tell Kane I was pregnant, but that I needed to go through Letty first. Make it believable. Make her break his heart and be the one to pick up his pieces.”

“Fucking hell, Doll.”

“I know. I know,” I agree. “But what else was I meant to do? Let him come after you?”

“He could have tried.”

“Mav, if he wanted to take you down, he could. Razor’s son or not. You’re not Reid,” she says, making my eyes narrow.

But as much as I might hate her words, I can’t deny that they’re true.

As the future boss, Reid has a certain level of protection. Especially as the next in line is Devin, and I’m not sure that fuck could run a marathon, let alone a gang.

“I know,” I mutter bitterly.

“You know, you two really are alike.”

“Excuse me?”

“You and Reid, you’re—”

“Please stop,” I beg.