“I’ll leave it to you. How are you?”
With her hands clasped behind her back, Morgan drew them down and let out a sound that signaled relief. “I think my bones are burning.”
“Keep stretching, and that’s not what I meant.”
“I haven’t heard anything for a couple of days. The last I did, theyfound the car he stole when he dumped the first one at the airport in Omaha. He ditched that—he’d switched the plates—at a truck stop in South Dakota. They think he might’ve gotten a ride from there, heading west, as they had a possible sighting in Wyoming they were going to follow up on.”
“So he’s still running, and in the opposite direction from here. That’s a good thing.”
“I’m trying to think of it that way.”
“I’d try that, too. I don’t know if I’d succeed.” Switching to twelve pounders, Nell started triceps extensions. “How’s the new security system working out?”
“The ladies love it. Go figure.” As she stretched her own triceps, Morgan had to admit—as usual—the burn had turned to warmth, and her fatigue to smugness. “They baked Miles a damn cherry pie.”
“I love cherry pie. He did not share. It was intrusive of him, Morgan. Miles doesn’t intrude unless his feelings outweigh his pretty rigid sense of stay-out-of-it.”
“I get that. And along that line, how are you doing with your triangle?”
“I have a triangle?”
“You, Jake, Miles.”
With a laugh, Nell set down the lighter weights. “I’m doing my best to enjoy one, ignore the other.Andalong that line, why don’t we all go out to dinner, make it a foursome? Maybe next Sunday night when you’re off.”
“Oh.” After rolling her shoulders, Morgan lowered into a runner’s stretch. When Nell picked up the heavier weight again for another set of shoulder presses, Morgan wondered how Nell could lift steady without breaking a sweat. “Wouldn’t that be a little awkward?”
“I don’t think so. I think it would be good for Miles to see me and Jake as a couple.”
“Are you?”
“I think we’re cautiously approaching that destination. I can set it up, keep it casual.”
“Have Miles grill,” Morgan suggested. “He likes to, and it’s not only casual, it fits the dynamics. Friends and family.”
“That’s brilliant. I should’ve thought of it.”
“Maybe ask Liam to join with a date. That turns the triangle into a hexagon. I think.”
“Really brilliant. I’ll set it up.”
“Let me know. Now I’m done with this hellhole for another day. Listen, when you have time, drop by Après. I have a couple of candidates for the fall specials to run by you.”
“I’ll do that. Keep the ideas coming, Morgan.”
“I’ve got an endless supply.”
She headed out, deeply considered the elevator rather than the steps. And weighing guilt against convenience, turned toward the steps.
Miles came down them.
“Is Nell in the fitness center?”
“Showing off with her fifteen-pound weights.”
“Good. I need to go over something with her, and she’d have blown me off if I texted while she’s lifting.” He angled his head, studied her with those amber eyes. “You look good.”
“Are you serious?”