“That sounds accurate.”
And something, Miles thought, to worry about.
Chapter Twenty-three
Every time Morgan thought she’d found the sweet spot in her workout routine, Jen devised some new form of torture.
Today’s pyramid of dead lifts, kickbacks, military presses, and biceps curls in the goddess position ranked as the worst yet.
She sweated her way to the top of the pyramid, indulged her inner camel in a thirty-second—all Jen allowed—water break, then did her best not to weep her way down again.
Getting strong, she lectured herself. Getting strong enough to punch Rozwell in the throat. And after the last vicious rep, she set down the weights.
But did it end there? No, it did not.
She suffered through twelve agonizing minutes of core with crunches, bicycles, the detested inchworm, and more until her abs burned along with the rest of her.
Breathless, limp, done, she lay on the mat, eyes closed. “When will I stop hating it?”
Helpfully, Jen tossed her a gym towel. “Why are you doing it?”
Behind her lids, Morgan’s eyes rolled. “To get strong, be strong, stay strong.”
“And it’s working. You’ve doubled your weights and reps since you started. Packing some nice guns these days.”
Morgan turned her head, opened one eye. With it she studied her arms. “Sort of.”
“Very nice guns for your frame and body type. Now hydrate andstretch.” Smiling, Jen held out a hand. “Body by Jen. I’m liking what I see here.”
Morgan clasped hands, groaned her way to her feet. “This body by Jen feels like it’s been pounded with a thousand tiny hammers.”
“Hydrate and stretch,” Jen repeated, “and it won’t. You’ve come a long way. Keep it up. Hey, Nell.”
“Jen. I’ve got a free hour.”
“And the world shudders on its axis.”
“I know, right?” In her black shorts and tank, Nell grabbed a pair of fifteen-pound weights. “I’m squeezing in some fun.”
She took her stance, started with a swimmer’s press, and sent Morgan a look. “You look like you’ve finished the fun.”
“I’m done. Done in. She’s a monster.”
“I wear the badge with pride. Stretch,” Jen said again, her beaded braids swaying as she walked away to find another victim.
Morgan started her stretches and scowled at Nell in the mirror wall. “Show-off.”
“A badgeIwear with pride. I was hoping to run into you before your shift. Mom just told me the Friedman event, that’s Sunday, wants another bar.”
“They already have two.”
“And now they want three. One for mixed drinks, and instead of the second for wine, beer, and soft drinks, they want to split that. One soft bar, one wine and beer bar.”
“I’ll ask Bailey to take it.”
Smoothly, Nell switched to Crazy Eights. “Is she ready?”
“More than for a wine and beer bar. It’s a good way for her to solo at an event. I’ll let you know. If she can’t take it, I’ll see if Nick wants it, or can switch shifts with me and I’ll take it. Becs has her Friday night art class, and I wouldn’t ask her to miss it unless we’re stuck. Tricia’s on vacation until Saturday.”