“Do your parents know about that?”
Gia sighed. “Knowing Leo, I doubt it.”
I turned to face her. “I never meant to hurt you or go behind your back. I know you have a rule against friends dating your brothers, and it’s a valid one. I get it. But I didn’t plan for this to happen.”
Her lips pursed. “How long?”
“We’ve been dating for a few weeks.”
“No. I mean, how long have you liked him?”
I thought back to our childhood and the way I was always aware of his presence, noticing the things he said and did and wondering if he liked me too. “Forever?”
Gia swore under her breath. “After all the times I said I couldn’t trust anyone because they always ended up liking one of my brothers. You were no different.”
“I never thought anything would come of it. But then he started hanging around more, said he liked me, and maybe had for a while but wouldn’t let himself go there because I was so close to the family.”
“That’s not an excuse. You should have said no.”
“I get it. You’re my best friend, and I never wanted to hurt you, but I like Leo. He was good to me and Evie. I fell in love with him, and I’m sorry about that, but I couldn’t change it if I tried.” It was like it was meant to be. I was barreling toward Leo my entire life, and I couldn’t stop the inevitable crash, even if I’d thrown on the emergency brakes.
“I don’t even know what to say.” Her disappointment was palpable.
“I love Leo, and I don’t know if your family will accept me. I knew that was a risk when we started seeing each other.”
“What are you talking about,if my family will accept you?”
“I’m not what they want. I’m not Catholic or Italian or even from a good family.”
“I don’t think that has anything to do with why we’re upset. We are upset that you hid it from everyone.”
“What did Leo say after I left?” My heart thudded in my ears.
“That he didn’t want to tell everyone unless it was serious.”
I’d heard that part. “He didn’t say anything else, like he was falling for me?”
“No, but Leo isn’t one to talk about feelings with us. If he was like that with you, then that’s not the guy we see.”
“The guy you see is who he is. I just thought things were different. That he felt the same way I did. I was stupid. I didn’t want him to hurt Evie or me, but it happened anyway.”
Gia frowned. “I’m not saying he doesn’t. He just didn’t say anything to us.”
He had his chance to declare himself in front of his family, to alleviate their concerns and legitimize our relationship, but he hadn’t. He'd stepped back.
I pushed our relationship out of my head because Gia’s friendship was important too. “Where do we stand? Do you think you could forgive me eventually?”
“I need to sort through my feelings. I feel betrayed. We’re not kids anymore. You knew what you were doing, and you kept it from me.”
I nodded miserably, knowing this result was foreseeable and preventable. If only I’d stayed away from her brother. “Will this affect my job?”
Gia’s jaw tightened. “Give me some time.”
Tears swirled in my eyes. “Of course.”
Then she walked away, and there was nothing I could do about it. The damage was already done. I’d slept with her brother, betrayed her in a way I promised I wouldn’t, like every other friend she had. She couldn’t trust me.
I wasn’t sure I trusted myself when it came to Leo. I fell for him when I knew it wasn’t a good idea. I set myself and Evie up to be hurt. I might have ruined my relationship with his parents and my best friend.