When Harper left, I wanted to run after her. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay, but I wasn’t positive about anything right now.
Gia was understandably upset, and she needed space when she was angry. She might come around, but it would take some time. And I wasn’t sure if her relationship with Harper would ever recover. Although I hoped it would.
After Harper left, Mamma took me aside to ask me what was going on, but then Papà reminded her of their flight time. They said their good-byes and left, so we didn’t get a chance to discuss it.
Everyone left after that. Only Matteo and Carlo remained behind.
“Well, that went as well as could be expected,” Carlo said dryly as we went into the house to grab a drink.
I ran a hand through my hair. “I can’t see how it could have gone any worse.”
Matteo smiled. “It was kind of cute how everyone found out. Evie saying you kissed her mommy.”
I shot him an incredulous look. “Yeah, it was adorable.”
Matteo chuckled. “I mean, if everything works out, it will be a nice story to tell your future kids.Remember that time when Evie said—”
I held up my hands. “It’s not funny.”
“Too soon,” Carlo said with a smirk.
“Gia was pissed,” I said, remembering how she’d flown off the handle when she realized what Evie said.
“She’ll get over it.” Matteo didn’t take anything or anyone too seriously.
I cleared my throat. “I don’t know about that.”
Carlo shook his head. “She’s always been sensitive to her friends liking us, as if we have any control over that.”
“I think she feels betrayed, and I can’t say I blame her. That one time her friend hooked up with Matteo was awkward for everyone.”
Matteo held up his hands. “I learned my lesson. Don’t hook up with your little sister's friends. But it seems like you didn’t.”
“I should have been able to control myself.” Now that I was on the other side, I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t stopped myself from getting here. Why couldn’t I resist Harper? Why had I gone down this path that had the potential to ruin everything?
“Are you serious right now?” Matteo asked, grabbing a beer from my parents’ fridge.
I ran a hand through my hair. “I fucked everything up.”
He set the bottle in front of me with a loud clank. “So you’re saying that you don’t like Harper?”
“I like her.” But I didn’t feel the same lightness I usually did when I spoke of my feelings.
“You don’t love her?” Carlo asked.
When she left, I felt like my heart had been torn in two, leaving jagged edges. “I told her I was falling for her, but I think I was already there.” I was just feeling her out, seeing what she’d say, but she hadn’t responded. “What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“I think she does,” Carlo said.
“How do you know?” I asked him, curious if he had any inside knowledge or a way of seeing things differently.
“She was hurt when you said you didn’t want to tell us until it was serious. That’s why she left.”
“I said that?” The whole thing was a blur. I didn’t feel like I was in control of my mouth or my words. “Shit. That sounds horrible.”