“Mommy, where are you?” Evie called, and I snuck a quick kiss before Harper pulled away, giggling.
Leo surprised me in the best ways. He was great with Evie, patient and kind. He didn’t mind when she made a mess and pulled me away when he wanted to kiss me. But I still wasn’t sure that our relationship would be well-received by the rest of the family.
He’d assured me he’d already talked to Matteo and Carlo, but he wasn’t clear about how they felt about us dating. I had a feeling they weren’t pleased, but I was looking forward to an evening with Leo and no distractions.
I’d liked him for so long, and things felt easy between us, but there was this untapped electricity between us I wanted to explore. I almost thought it was a good thing that Evie was around because she forced us to slow down and get to know each other before the relationship progressed physically. The anticipation made everything so much better.
“You seem different,” Gia said when we were going over the wedding schedule for the rest of the month. We had a lot of fall weddings, but it was a little slower than spring and summer.
My heart rate kicked up. “Hmm. How so?”
“You’re happier. Did something happen?” Then her eyes brightened as she focused on me. “Did you meet someone?”
“No.” After all, I didn’t just meet Leo.
“Are you talking to someone online?” she persisted.
“Nope.” I didn’t like online dating. It seemed like more of a hookup space, which I had no patience or time for. I’d noticed the men on there preferred to text and not always meet in person. I didn’t have that kind of time. I wanted to meet, figure out if there was chemistry, and move on to the next. But lately, I hadn’t even done that.
“Then what is it?” Gia asked, and I thought about the last few weeks.
“I’m happy.” That’s what this feeling of expansion was in my chest. My heart was full, and I was hopeful that this thing with Leo could be the real deal. As much as I didn’t believe it was possible for me, maybe I was wrong.
“Are you doing something different? Did you pick up a new hobby?”
“It’s nothing like that.” I felt bad lying to my friend, but I couldn’t tell her about dating her brother. Not without talking to Leo first. “I’ve been thinking about moving out of the apartment.”
Gia’s eyes widened. “Why?”
“I’d like to have a yard for Evie.” And get some space from the Giovanni family. As grateful as I’d been to them over the years, I wanted independence and a little more privacy.
“Have you found anything you like? You’ll want to make sure you’re in a good school district for Evie.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” The Giovannis were so quick to help, and I hoped Leo wasn’t dating me out of pity or some weird sense of obligation to a family friend.
“You could stay with me.”
“No.” There was no way I was moving in with my potential boyfriend’s sister. Not when she was my best friend. “No offense, but I don’t want a roommate.”
“I just thought it would be easier for you. You’d get more space and a yard while you saved up. I’ve been thinking about giving you a raise too.”
“Gia, you can’t give me a raise because I’m your friend and need to move.”
“I can’t lose you. You do so many more things than I originally hired you for. You were supposed to organize my business, and you did, but you also create marketing plans and graphics and write ad copy. I’ll pay you whatever so you don’t go somewhere else.”
“I don’t have any plans to leave, but I won’t turn down a raise if that’s how you feel.”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I believe in paying people what they’re worth, and you’ve more than proven yourself capable of the job.”
She’d hired me to organize the business, but she didn’t think she’d have any more work for me. That quickly turned out not to be true. “I’m glad you’re happy with my work.”
“You’re indispensable. I’m sure Papà hates that I’ve stolen you from the restaurant.”
“I love waitressing occasionally, but this challenges me more.”