Page 56 of Somebody to Love

“Have you thought any more about going to school?”

“I’d love to take some business and marketing classes. I had no idea how much I’d love working here.” I always thought of selling something to someone as being kind of icky, but every time we signed a new client, it felt amazing. It almost made me want to start my own business.

“I’m happy to help with Evie or whatever you need if you want to take some classes. I’m not saying you need it. You seem to have some natural talent for marketing and business.”

“I’ve always played around with design and graphics, but the marketing stuff just comes to me.” I came up with ideas when I was at the playground with Evie or taking a shower, and I’d text them to Gia. She’d tell me to create the campaign and let me take the lead.

“You deserve the raise. You gave me the idea of advertising to out-of-state couples, and we’ve already had some inquiries from the ads you created.”

“Are you serious?”

Gia smiled. “We’re doing virtual meetings this week with several interested couples.”

“We need to sell them on Annapolis and our service.”

“Can you come up with a quick presentation on the venues and what Annapolis has to offer in terms of activities and amenities for their guests?”


“Perfect. I’ll send a proposal over for your raise, and I was thinking about adding a commission incentive for every client you bring in.”

“How will we know if they’re from my marketing or word of mouth?”

“Easy. We’ll ask them. You already do a survey for clients who don’t sign on with us; we can do one for new clients who do.”

“I love it.” I was furiously typing notes on my tablet so I’d remember everything later.

When I stood to leave, Gia came around the desk to hug me. “You’re a good friend and employee. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Me either,” I said, guilt filtering through my consciousness. What would she do when she found out I was dating her brother? Would she feel like I betrayed her? Would she think I was like every other friend she’d ever had who hung out with her to get close to her brothers?

I wanted to say she knew me better than that, and we’d been friends for years, but I wasn’t sure of her reaction. She tended to get hotheaded quickly and ask questions later.

What if she made Leo choose between me and her? I just hoped Leo and I were in a good place before she found out and anything went down.

“And whatever you’re doing, keep it up. You’ve been floating around the office, and your energy has been amazing for the planners and couples.”

I was happy, and I wondered if Gia was right. Was my energy rubbing off on others? If this thing with Leo worked out, would I feel like this all the time?

I had nothing to compare it to because I’d never been in a great relationship. I’d certainly never been in love. I had no good examples of it except for Mr. and Mrs. G. and the newer couples in the office—Aria and Finn, Sophie and Mark, Lily and Jake, and Everly and Harrison.

In my office, I refocused on preparing a slide presentation for the new couples we’d meet with this week. I scoured the internet for pictures that depicted Annapolis in the best light. We were competing with other destinations, like the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Bermuda. I wanted Annapolis to stand out.

I got lost in my work, and when I finally checked my email, I was shocked by Gia’s generous raise. I hurried into her office, where she was bent over her laptop, typing something.

She raised her head as I came in. “I take it you got my proposal?”

“It’s so generous. More than I thought it would be, but I can’t accept it.” Was I making a big mistake in turning it down?

Gia frowned. “Why not? I want to pay you what you’re worth.”

I sighed. “You know I’m not going anywhere. We’re friends.”

“You’re saying I should pay you less because you wouldn’t quit?” she asked incredulously.

I nodded, feeling a little miserable for turning down all that money.

Gia stood and came around the desk to lean against it. “Conceivably, you could go work for Silas.”