Page 40 of The Baron to Break

The moment the door opened, Wingate began. “I let her tend you out of courtesy to Emily, she’s been out of her wits, but you’ve clearly taken advantage of that courtesy. Even with as much history as we have between us, I can’t let you do it.”

“I can see how you might think that.”

“I don’t think, I know. And I also know that you will make your indiscretion right by—”

But Emily couldn’t listen to anymore. Rushing out of the room, she inserted herself between the two men, facing the duke. “Nick,” she said, lifting her chin as she stared Aubrey’s husband in the eye. “Do not do this.”

“Emily,” he started grimacing. “It is my duty to see to your safety.”

“Jacob is your friend.” She appreciated that Nick was trying to protect her, but just now, she didn’t wish for anyone’s interference. She would navigate her feelings and future with Jacob all on her own.

“Yes, but your safety is my primary concern,” Nick spoke through clenched teeth.

“Jacob is also seeing to my safety.” She gave the duke a meaningful stare, hoping he’d take the hint.

Nick glared over her shoulder. “No, he was taking advantage of your generous nature.”

Her shoulders stiffened as her gaze narrowed. “He has put himself in danger time and again.”

“Still, it’s a breech for him to touch you like that.”

She eyes narrowed as irritation swelled in her chest. “It was as much my decision at it was his.”

“But he should know better. You are just a—”

“What?” her voice was sharp. “Tell me about how little I am.”

Nick’s face paled. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

But she ignored the duke, turning to Jacob. “We’re not marrying because we’ve kissed. Society will be none the wiser and I will not force a match between us.”

“Why is that?” Jacob asked searching her face even as he reached for her hand.

“Because,” she blew out a breath, “it’s not my way.”

“It isn’t?” But his lips had pulled up into the smallest smile.

“No. I’ve met your mother and manipulation is the last thing you need.”

He grabbed her other hand. “That is very true, and I thank you for noticing.”

“And besides. I’ll not reward a favor with a trap. I’m sure I can find another suitor.”

“Another suitor?” His voice dropped deeper, his fingers tightening on hers.

“That’s right. I know you don’t want to marry and while I don’t wish to be alone, I also don’t need to wed right away,” her heart twisted at the words as she continued. “But when I do, hopefully Ash will be home or I could rekindle my courtship with Lord Tinderwell.”

“Tinderwell?” There was no mistaking the growl. “That man is no friend to you.”

A warning bell sounded distantly in her mind, but she was too focused on her anger that these men were making all the decisions for her. “That’s right. But regardless, I am strong enough to find a husband without…”

“It matters not. The duke is right. We should wed. I need to protect you from men like—”

The duke was right? Heat filled her cheeks as her anger swelled. Here she was trying to honor his wishes and her own. She wanted choice and say and neither of these men seemed to be listening. “Why aren’t you listening to me—”

“Emily. It’s not even a choice. We’re going to wed.”

“Jacob,” she made her voice equally hard. “If there is one thing I have come to understand in all of this it’s that I have choices.” And then she spun back to Nick. “And not even you can force me.”