Page 41 of The Baron to Break

Stepping from between them, she began stomping down the hall, ignoring Jacob’s parting words as her skirts swished down the hall. She was done being sad today, she’d officially moved on to angry.

And if they thought she’d be the woman who allowed everyone else to make decisions for her, they were sorely mistaken. She spun again. “My parents never told me a thing. Never allowed me to make a choice. I’ll not be in that position again, ever. I thought you understood.”

And then she stomped up the stairs.

Jacob watched her go, his mouth half hanging open. She was glorious when she was angry. Coupled with the fact that she’d been molten in his arms before they’d been interrupted, his body throbbed with desire.

He’d never wanted a woman more. Though that was always true with Emily, regardless of the circumstances.

“Umm,” Wingate scrubbed his jaw, also watching Emily walk away. “Until this very moment, I didn’t realize how alike Emily and Aubrey actually were.”

Jacob cocked an eyebrow. “Did Aubrey refuse your marriage proposal?”

“You didn’t propose, if we’re being technical, you demanded.”

Shite. That was true.

“And yes, she refused me. More than once.” Wingate gave him a wicked grin. “Gets the blood pumping, doesn’t it?”

The man wasn’t wrong about that. “Do you think I can convince her to change her mind?”

“You mean to marry her?”

“Of course I do. What’s more, I’ve got information and I happen to know for a fact that the very man who used to be her suitor, Tinderwell, is the man who is also behind this entire plot.”

“Tell me the rest as I clean up that wound. I don’t think Emily’s coming back to do it.”

Jacob returned to the room and sat, explaining all that had happened. The death of Mr. Barrow and then the meeting with Tinderwell that had ended with knives and swords.

“So Barrow lied in order to scare you away.”

“For certain,” Jacob answered. “But that doesn’t explain the note. It’s done. What’s done?”

Wingate gave a hard grimace. “The question that naturally follows that one is this…was Tinderwell taking an opportunity with Emily’s parents being gone or did he create the opportunity?”

Cold dread coursed through Jacob even as Nick wrapped his arm in bandaging. Was it possible? “I know my mother has no money, but I thought Tinderwell was richer than rich. Richer than you.”

Nick grimaced. “There is only one way to find out. I know an excellent investigator.”

Jacob nodded, relieved. “Good idea.”

“And in the meantime, you convince Emily that marriage is in her best interest.”

“How do I do that?”

“I’d start with some lines about her beauty, and how you want her so much, you got carried away, but that above all that you respect her.”

Jacob cocked a brow. “For a duke, you’re rather good at grovelling.”

“Aubrey’s made certain I’ve had plenty of practice. Now go. And get on your knees if you have to. It’s time we took an offensive position.”

Interesting idea. Being on his knees did seem like an excellent offense.


Emily had returned to the sitting room where she commenced pacing. She’d been too angry about being told what to do to really process that Jacob had said he would marry her.

It hadn’t exactly been a sweepingly romantic proposal, but it had been a proposal. Of sorts. Maybe.