Page 36 of Obsession

What the hell was Tessa’s husband doing here?

He was supposed to be in Los Angeles.

Logan was apparently wondering the same thing. “I thought you went back to the studio.”

“I did, but after I heard about what happened last night, I came right back.”

Tessa scoffed in mock annoyance. “I told him that he was worrying over nothing. But he said he could work as easily from here as from his office.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I’m certainly not going to complain about having him visit for a while.”

“Matthew, are you all right?” Adriene asked.


“You look like you’re going to be sick.”

Realizing he’d failed to keep his shock and revulsion from showing on his face, he plastered on a contrite smile. “Sorry, I think it was something I ate. But I’m okay now.”

Saving him from further explanation, one of the assistant directors approached the group and said, “Mr. Weldon, Mr. Chase, we’re ready for you.”

Matthew stewed quietly as filming of the next scene got underway. While he was confident he would win Tessa’s heart, he’d known from the start that doing so would not be easy, even without the presence of the man he hated more than anyone else. With Ben here, it would be much more of a challenge.

Or maybe not, he thought, as an idea hit him and melted away his anger.

Ben showing up here could actually be a good thing. Tessa’s husband would be a problem no matter where he was, after all. The only way for Matthew to rid himself of the obstacle once and for all would be to remove Ben from the picture permanently. Something that would be much easier to arrange here in Santa Barbara than in Los Angeles.

Of course, it would have to be done in a way that could never be tied to Matthew, but how hard could that be?He’d taken care of that Justin guy without putting much thought into it, and that had gone off as smooth as silk.

Matthew grinned to himself. Ben’s being here was not a problem at all. It was an opportunity.

He glanced at Tessa and her husband. They were watching the scene being filmed, Ben’s hand resting on top of hers.

Enjoy it while you can. She won’t be yours for much longer.

Movement at the craft services table beyond them caught Matthew’s attention. The familiar guard was back.

Having observed him several times now, Matthew was convinced the guy wasn’t a real guard but had somehow bluffed his way onto the set.

He wondered if he should turn him in. Doing so might earn Matthew even more praise from Tessa and her friends. But he decided against it.

If the real security guards weren’t smart enough to notice that they had an imposter in their midst, why should Matthew do their job for them?


Peter took a step away from his monitor. “That was great. Let’s do it one more time.”

Teddy-as-Mark reset to his spot. When Peter called “Action,” he walked nervously into the frame.

Right on cue, the door of the building he was passing flew open and Logan rushed out. Upon seeing him, Teddy dashed out of the frame.

“Hey! Storm! Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Logan yelled, then raced after him.

“Cut.” Peter took a step away from the monitor, beaming. “That’s the take. Good job, gentlemen. Mark, I believe that’s all we need you for today.”

Teddy thanked the crew before making his way to his trailer. As he started to change himself into Billy Barnett, his phone rang with a call from Mori.

“Rebecca’s car has been found,” the lawyer said.
