Page 35 of Obsession

A security guard appeared from around the corner of one of the trailers behind Logan. There were more guards around today than yesterday, no doubt because of the mysterious gunshots. Matthew was about to look away and refocus on Logan when he realized there was something familiar about this one.

He didn’t think the guard had been around during allthe commotion last evening. But he was sure he had seen him somewhere.

It wasn’t until the guard moved out of sight that it hit him. He looked like the same guy who’d come up to Matthew yesterday morning and asked what was going on. The guy who had thought Billy Barnett was an actor.

When Matthew saw the guard again twenty minutes later, he revised his assessment. The man not only resembled the same guy from yesterday morning. Hewasthe guy.

How he’d gone from not knowing anything about the movie to being an on-set security guard in less than twenty-four hours, Matthew had no idea.

“Hello there.”

Matthew was so distracted by the guard that he hadn’t even realized that someone had sat down on the other side of Logan and joined their conversation. When Matthew turned to look, his jaw almost dropped into his lap.

There, no more than four feet away, was Tessa.

He could barely breathe. She was even more beautiful in person than in any of the pictures he’d collected of her. Her eyes were friendly and inviting. Her smile radiated a warmth he wanted to wrap around himself forever.

Before he could say anything, Mark Weldon and Adriene Adele joined them.

“I do hope Logan hasn’t been talking your ear off with one of his stories,” Adriene said.

“I’m sorry?” It took Matthew a moment to realize she had been talking to him.

Tessa laughed. “Oh, my. He’s been droning on so much you’ve zoned out, haven’t you?”

Logan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

“What are you upset about? It’s not like what I said will get you tostoptalking,” Tessa teased.

His expression softened and he bobbed his head back and forth. “True.”

“Tessa,” Adriene said. “Have you met Matthew?”

“I haven’t had the pleasure yet. Tessa Tweed.”

Though Matthew had dreamed of this moment for a long time, he could hardly believe it was finally happening. He had to force himself to reach out to her extended hand. When they touched, a jolt of electricity rushed up his arm and into his chest. He was sure she had felt it, too.

“Hello. I’m Matthew Wagner.” It was a miracle he was able to get the words out.

“You’re the hero.”

“I—I don’t know if I’d call myself that.”

He could feel her loosen her grip. He didn’t want to let go, but he couldn’t afford to let things get awkward, so he pulled his hand back. There would be plenty of time to hold her hand in the future.

“And this is Mark Weldon,” Adriene said.

Mark was sitting a couple of seats down from Tessa, so Matthew had to get out of his seat to shake hands with him.

“Pleasure to meet you, Matthew. Thank you for what you did for Adriene and Stacy.”

“Anyone would have done the same.”

“Not true, but I appreciate your modesty.”

Matthew smiled, then took his seat again. As he was trying to come up with something to say to Tessa, Ben Bacchetti appeared and hopped onto the empty seat beside her.

The warmth that had been coursing through Matthew’s body turned frigid.