Except it was still more than that.
This went beyond the physical and entered emotional territory.
This was what a relationship between a Dom and sub was really like, two men forming an intimate pattern that wove itself through their lives.
Butch snapped back into the moment. Sol stood naked in front of him, his towel on the floor, his dick jutting out.
Sol smiled. “Kiss me.”
Butch had never received a sweeter invitation.
Chapter 46
Butch sat on the edge of the bed, his towel still wrapped around him, relishing the feel of Sol’s hands on his neck as they kissed, Sol’s tongue going deep. Then Sol cradled Butch’s head, as if he was something both precious and fragile, their lips locked in ever more intimate, deepening kisses that made Butch’s toes curl.
“So handsome,” Sol murmured against his lips. He pulled back, grasped Butch’s hand, and guided it to his cock. Butch wrapped his fingers around the thick, heavy shaft.
“You’re so hard.”
Sol chuckled. “That’s because you’re here. Only explanation needed.” He gazed at Butch. “Do whatever you feel like.”
Butch smiled, then rubbed his face against Sol’s chest before kissing his belly and nipples, his hand still working Sol’s length. Sol cradled his head once more and held him there.
“I like it when you hold me like that,” Butch confessed.
Sol stroked his hair. “I like it too.” A chuckle reverberated through him.
“What’s so funny?”
Sol bent over to kiss him. “I’m about to discover if you’re as limber as you say you are.” He gave Butch a gentle shove onto his back, loosening the towel, allowing Butch’s dick to bob up, the foreskin peeling back to reveal the wide head. Butch held his breath for that first electric touch of Sol’s fingers on his shaft, but Sol avoided his dick, grabbing his knees instead and pushing them toward his shoulders.
He grinned. “Yeah, you’re limber, all right.” He leaned over to claim Butch’s lips once more, only this time he rubbed his thumb over Butch’s taint, exerting a little pressure. Butch tried to stifle a moan when Sol circled his hole with his fingertip.
“Oh no you don’t,” Sol murmured against his lips. “You make as much noise as you like. No one here will give a damn.” He withdrew his finger, and Butch groaned.
“Now you’re just teasing,” he groused.
Sol’s eyes held amusement. “What do they say about good things coming to those who wait?” He lowered his head and kissed Butch’s stomach, a trail of soft kisses as he followed Butch’s treasure trail to the root of his cock. Butch’s heart hammered as Sol placed both hands on his thighs and spread him wide.
He smiled. “Verylimber.”
Butch moaned at the touch of Sol’s lips on his balls, the feel of his nose pressing there, the sigh of satisfaction that escaped Sol’s mouth. Then he buried his face in Butch’s crease, and there was no way Butch could keep quiet, not when Sol’s tongue danced over his hole, teasing, probing, kissing… His dick jerked as if demanding to receive the same treatment, so hard it ached.
Sol raised his head, his eyes sparkling, thenthank the Lord, his mouth was on Butch’s cock, and he tried to push up with his hips. Sol chuckled around his cock, andholy fuck, how come no one had ever donethatbefore?
Sol pulled free. “I love the taste of you.” Before Butch could thank him for the compliment, Sol sucked one of his balls into that warm mouth, and Butch arched his back, wanting more.
Sol kissed his sac. “Have to get you hard if you’re gonna fuck me.”
A wave of heat and desire crashed over him, leaving him shaking in its wake.
“What if… what if that’s not what I want?”
Okay,nowhe had Sol’s full attention.
Sol knelt on the bed, his hand curled around Butch’s shaft, working it as though he could do it all fucking day. “Whatdoyou want?”