Page 194 of Haunted

Butch took a deep breath. “Yeah. I was more concerned he’d reportmefor being in here.”

Sol snorted. “I don’t think that’s likely, not if he wants to come back here in the future. Right now, he’s probably sweating about me reporting him to Toby.” He grabbed a towel from the wall rack, and dried Butch off.

Butch was beginning to learn Sol had two sides, and Darren had definitely gotten on the wrong side of one of them. “Has he been a Dom for long?”

Sol arched his eyebrows. “I think you already know the answer to that question.”

“I know something else too.” Butch leaned in and kissed him on the lips. “You said this was a safe space, butyou’rethe one who makes it safe.”

Sol’s face lit up. “Let’s go to my room.”

Butch wrapped the towel around his hips and followed Sol out of the bathroom and along the hallway. Once inside, Sol closed the door behind them.

“Would I be right in thinking you’ve never been naked with two men before?”

Butch nodded. “Fucking one guy was more than enough.”

“Which is why I was so angry with him. He doesn’t know you, and yet he thought it was okay to make those asinine comments when you were standing there at your most vulnerable.”

“You make me sound like a snowflake,” Butch murmured.

“No—like a man who until very recently was unsure of his sexuality. That makes you vulnerable, which is why he needed to back the fuck off.”

“And he did,” Butch said in a low voice. “So please, don’t let him spoil the mood. Because we had plans, remember?” He took a step forward, his hands on Sol’s bare, damp chest, but Sol gripped his wrists and lowered them to his sides.

“Before we get to those plans, how flexible are you, physically speaking?”

Butch stared at him. “I’m the same age as you, and I’m in good shape.”

“Nothing to do with age,” Sol told him. “I’m asking because I need to know if I fold you in half, you’re going to be okay with that.”

Butch got where he was coming from, his heartbeat quickening at the prospect.

“In that case… I’m limber enough. I can’t get my ankles around my neck anymore, but I doubt you could either, if it came to that.”

Sol smiled. “Good to know. And you’d be right. My contortionist days are well and truly over. Any medical issues I need to know about?”

Butch blinked. “Do you always ask these questions?”

“Yes.” He paused, and Butch realized he was waiting for an answer.

“No, no medical issues.”

Shit just got real.

Sol cupped his chin and looked him in the eye. “And that’s it. No more talking about Darren, and no more questions—for now. Tonight it’s just us—no whips, no gags, no toys…And if you want me to stop at any—”

“I say my name,” Butch concluded.

Sol’s smile reached his eyes. “I want to enjoy you, and Idefinitelywant you to enjoy me. Everything beyond that can come later.” He grinned. “Probably right after you do.”

Butch hardly registered Sol’s attempt at humor.

This is new. Huge.

Not fucking a man—he’d been doing that for years—but this was different.

This was sex with someone he cared about. Someone he felt connected to.