Page 19 of Haunted

Chapter 5

Tuesday, August 9

San Francisco

Toby leaned back in his chair. “Is that everything?”

Sean chuckled. “Wanna tell me why you came all this way just to sign a few documents? Which you could’ve done digitally, by the way.” He grinned. “Aw, you’ve missed us.”

Toby laughed. “I was only here a month ago. And I haven’t had time to miss you. I’ve been too busy getting ready.”

“Then it’s full steam ahead?”

He nodded. “We’re still on course for the twenty-fourth of next month. Well, the accommodation will be ready—we just don’t have that many bookings yet.” And while he would never admit it to Robert, that had given him a few sleepless nights.

They had a lot riding on this.

“Of course, your website is ready too. And your social media links.”

Toby stared at him.

Sean shook his head. “Yeah, I thought so. You never were any good at the socials. Why haven’t you gotten around to this yet?”

Toby glared. “Are you kidding? It’s beenthree weekssince we decided to do this. Personally, I think we’ve achieved a helluva lot in that time.”

Sean tapped on his keyboard, then turned the laptop around. “I’ve been busy too.”

Toby had to admit, the club website looked fantastic. “That background… is that leather?” The site had a slick, professional appearance.

“Yup. We took a shitload of photos around the club. The hardest part was keeping the site from straying into NSFW territory, but Sol managed it. That guy is a genius. I mean, how the fuck do you design a website for a BDSM club so that it doesn’t have people clutching their pearls when they come across it by accident, and yet has enough to catch the attention of those who are looking for what we offer?”

“Soldid this?” Sol Davenport had been a member of the club ever since it had opened its doors four years ago.

Sean nodded. “We got talking after your last visit. I knew about his counseling work—I hadnoidea about this.”

Toby felt a stab of guilt.

When did I last speak with Sol?Certainly a few months before he’d taken the fateful trip to Montana.For all I know, he could’ve met someone in the intervening time.

Except that didn’t seem likely, knowing what he did about Sol’s history.

“Has anything… changed with his situation?”

“He’s still single, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Yeah, no shocker there.

He leaned in to take a closer look at the website. “Something knocked the stuffing out of Sol, before he ever came to San Francisco.”

“Lemme guess. Some guy broke his heart.”

“Sort of.” Toby wasn’t about to go into details. He’d only heard the story because he and Sol had gotten drunk at a party not long after he’d moved to San Francisco, and it had poured out of Sol in an unstoppable torrent. They’d talked long into the night until both of them had fallen asleep on Casey’s couch. The following day, it had become obvious Sol didnotwant to discuss it any further, so Toby withdrew and left him to his own devices.

One night that had cemented a friendship.

Toby gazed at the laptop screen. “Do you think he’d have time to make something similar for us?”

“How about you go find him and ask? He’s here.” Sean inclined his head toward the door. “Ivor—he’s a new sub, joined last week—wanted to know about sounds, so Sol said he’d talk him through using them.” Sean’s eyes gleamed. “I’m pretty sure he thought he’d be getting a TED talk.”