Page 18 of Haunted

“You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?” Amusement laced Toby’s voice.

“Iwaslistening. You said word would get around.”

“Mm-hmm. AndthenI said I’ll be talking up a storm about Salvation when I go to the club. Sean says he’ll advertise it too.”

“That’s good of him.”

“Hey, it’s a two-way street. We get any clients who are interested in becoming members of the best BDSM club that side of the Rockies?” Toby grinned. “We’ll send ’em Sean’s way.” He laid his hand on Robert’s chest. “Wewillmake this work, all right? You have to trust me.”

“I do.” Then Robert recalled his words of a moment ago. “But I’m a little curious. You told me about the things you’ll miss in San Francisco. What’s the stuff you won’tmiss?”

“That might surprise you.”

Robert blinked. “Try me.”

“Being me. Well, the me that existed in San Francisco, in the club.”

“Come again?”

Toby said nothing for a moment, and Robert covered Toby’s hand with his.

“I was always so in control of myself. I didn’t let anyone get too close. And if they did, I pushed them away. There was no reason for it—that was just how I was, okay?” He joined their hands. “I didn’t connect with anyone outside of a scene. And those are not just my words. Sean said the same thing. Then I came here. I met you, Teague, Butch, Zeeb, Paul, Walt, Matt, Diana… and for the first time, I found people I wanted to be around, who had nothing to do with my BDSM lifestyle.” He fingered the gleaming metal chain around Robert’s neck, tracing the chunky links to the small golden padlock nestled at the base of his throat. “People I love.”

Robert’s breathing hitched. The day Toby had collared him had been his happiest in such a long time. Toby’s light touch on it brought home its truth—they were Dom and sub, lovers…

Except neither of them had yet to utter those three little words.

Robert knew why he hadn’t said them. Toby had come from a non-romantic side of BDSM, and in that world, collaring would speak for him in ways he couldn’t.

Robert was waiting on Toby, his heart pounding.

Toby leaned in, and their mouths met in a kiss that blew him away with its sweetness, a gentle brushing of lips, Toby’s tongue tracing the seam, parting them, exploring him…

Then Toby pulled back. “I told you a few weeks ago that I’d fallen for you.”

“I’m not likely to forget that part.” Robert brought his fingers to his collar. “This is a constant reminder.”

“Yeah, but I think I need to elaborate on that.” Toby’s forehead met his. “The collar says we’re committed to each other, that we share so much. It says something else too, something I haven’t been able to voice, but maybe it’s time.” Another gentle kiss sent Robert’s heart soaring, but Toby’s words sent him into the stratosphere. “There’s no one I love, the way I love you.”

Aw fuck.Something broke inside him, and tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “Love you too.”

Shock ricocheted through him when he caught the sparkle in Toby’s eyes.

Toby swiped at them with his fingertips. “Look at us. What a pair.”

Robert took his hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed Toby’s fingers. On impulse, he sucked on Toby’s thumb, flicking it with his tongue, watching Toby’s pupils dilate, hearing that delicious catch in his breathing. He let go and met Toby’s heady gaze.

“Got anywhere you need to be right now?”

Toby’s eyes gleamed. “Only in our bed.”

Robert’s dick reacted as his blood took a detour south.

Toby noticed, of course.

He rose, holding his hand out, and Robert took it. “Then let’s go upstairs where I can show you how much I love you, without Matt or Teague—or your sister—walking in on us.”

Robert could go with that plan.