Page 61 of Accidental Daddy

There have been no truer words in my life. Loving Maria is as easy as breathing.



“Okay, moms, breathe in.”

Mia, the Lamaze instructor, brings her hands up, demonstrating the movement.

“And breathe out.”

Her hands come down as she lets out her own breath. The women in the room follow along.

Tyler’s hands are clutched over my eight-month-pregnant belly. I’m slated for a mid-September birth, which would normally be around the start of the school year. After talking it over, we decided I’d take the next school year off from teaching to fully focus on the baby. And before returning to school the following September, we are planning to spend a month in Italy and France.

Who said I had to wait twenty years to go on a Europe trip?

Although it won’t be backpacking as originally planned. First-class flights and luxury hotels will do just fine.

“Dads, make sure to support them.”

I feel Tyler move in closer to me, shifting his position to ensure that he’s following directions.

Tyler signed us up for the class, seeming genuinely excited about it. He’s been an active participant, always asking questions and making sure he’s doing things right.

With my due date approaching fast, our nervous anticipation has only grown. We finished the nursery last month and are excited to bring the baby home to it.

Tyler showed both our parents the light-yellow decorated room, giving in-depth explanations for some of our design choices.

My dad was extra enthusiastic as he visited. It finally sank in that he’s becoming a grandfather. He realized that his reaction to my pregnancy announcement was bit overboard and hasn’t stopped apologizing ever since.

He did it a few more times to both Tyler and me. We assured him it truly was water under the bridge. Tyler is very glad he can go to work in comfort now.

“Great first class, everyone. Relaxation is key during these final weeks. Next class, we’ll talk more about the labor process and how your spouse can be there for you.”

Mia claps her hands together as everyone gets up to leave.

Tyler acts as if a single move could break me. He helps me up, keeping his hand pressed into the small of my back as his other one holds onto my belly.

“You don’t have to worry so much,” I tell Tyler with a small smile as he rolls up our mat and grabs my bag off the floor.

“I’m always going to worry about you,” he tells me seriously, as if anything else is unthinkable. “Are you hungry, gorgeous?” he adds as he leads me out of the yoga studio.

“I could go for something to eat. Something like a big, juicy burger.”

We swing by a diner that advertises some of the best burgers in town, and Tyler helps me slide into one side of the booth, my protruding stomach grazing the edge of the table.

“Women should get an Olympic medal for doing tasks like this,” I pant as I finally settle into my seat.

Being this pregnant can be draining. I’m glad I have Tyler around to help me pick up some of the slack.

“It is amazing what you can do,” he affirms, pride shining in his eyes.

We both order a double cheeseburger and fries, Tyler adding bacon on top of his.

Living together still feels like a dream despite the fact we’ve been doing it for months now. I was ecstatic when my lease finally ended for my apartment, making our living arrangement truly official.

“I can’t watch this,” he groans, as I grab a pack of cream cheese from the table and spread it on my burger.