Page 62 of Accidental Daddy

“Don’t blame me, blame your daughter,” I tell him, watching as his face practically melts as I say the word.

When my obstetrician told us that we were expecting a girl, Tyler broke out in tears. That night, we sat up talking about what we’d name her, finally settling on Lyla, my mom’s middle name. I promised Tyler that when we have another kid, he’ll have the final say on the name.

But he didn’t seem to care about that. He had been stuck on the fact that I saidwhenwe have another kid.

There’s no doubt in my mind that we will.

I bite into the burger, letting out a moan as the cream cheese mingles with the other flavors.

I had been right, this is amazing.

“Do you want to try?” I bat my eyelashes at him as I offer him a taste.

He grimaces. “I’m good. Wouldn’t want to steal from you and Lyla.”

“Your loss.” I take another bite, giving him another exaggerated moan as the taste hits my mouth.

“Will you stop that?” Tyler asks with a laugh, and I answer with yet another bite and another moan.

“You don’t understand,” I begin, a french fry poised at my mouth, “I’m experiencing the deliciousness for not just one person, but two.”

“Touché,” Tyler replies, not commenting on my burger for the rest of our lunch.

By the time we leave, Tyler again having to help me out of the booth for fear I’d get stuck in it, we’re both sated. We have time to walk it off as we head back to the car.

The walk leads us past a school where a playground full of kids resides, the two of us observing it through the chain link fence.

We don’t say anything as our bodies slow, pausing to take in the laughter and screaming that always seems to follow gaggles of children.

“What are you thinking about?” Tyler finally asks, his hand joining mine where it rests on my stomach.

“How Lyla might be at that age,” I tell him earnestly, trying my best to imagine a child composed of Tyler’s and my features at age seven or eight.

“She’ll be absolutely amazing.”

Tyler’s hand guides mine as we rub circles over my belly.

At that moment, we both feel a small kick in my lower stomach, signaling that Lyla is awake and moving.

“It seems that she’s agreeing with me.” Tyler laughs joyously, something he does every time Lyla kicks. It never gets old for him.

While it’s gotten old for my bladder, I always find myself experiencing a flutter of the heart whenever she does it.

“Just wanted to say hi to her mommy and daddy. Isn’t that right, Lyla?” I ask, and as if on cue, we get another kick.

The experience is like no other, and neither of us can wait to actually meet her in person.

“Now, come on,” Tyler finally says, grabbing my hand and continuing the walk to the car.

“Looking at you makes me insatiable, and I need to get you back home.”

“Me looking like a school bus turns you on?” I scoff, not thinking I’m the pinnacle of sexy right now.

“You looking radiant turns me on . . . so, basically all the time.” He leans down to press a kiss onto my lips as we near his car.

“Let’s take you home, gorgeous.” He opens up the passenger side door for me, helping me slide into my seat.


The word means so much more to me now. It’s not just where I live, but where I get to spend the rest of my life with Tyler and our child.

With the children that are in our future, too.

And I can’t imagine a life better than that.

The End