Page 18 of Accidental Daddy

“Don’t worry,” Tyler says in his silky-smooth voice that could make me do anything, his body pressed firm against my side and his mouth close to my ear as he leads me in. “You’ll be alright.”

Despite my nerves, I believe him. Besides, I said I wanted to get out of my shell, right? And what better place to do that than at one of the last places on earth I’d ever go to.

I figured we'd stay in the main area of the club, where everyone else is drenched in neon purple lighting. Many club-goers appear as if they just arrived from a rave moments ago. But instead, Tyler leads me upstairs, and we head toward a separate, roped-off room that curiously lacks a door.

He casually waves a fifty-dollar bill in front of the imposing man guarding the rope, whispering a few words in his ear. The bouncer obliges, opening up the rope and granting us entry.

The music, while still pretty loud, is significantly softer here. There’s a lot more seating space, and there is another bar and a separate dance floor. While there are still a lot of people here, it’s way less packed than downstairs. We’re able to see over the banister into the rest of the club, and I note that if there’s any part of this club I’d want to be in, it’s definitely here.

Tyler leads me over to a high-top table, pulling out my chair as he helps me clamor onto it.

He doesn’t move to take a seat, instead opting to continue standing in front of me, wiggling himself in between my legs.

The black dress I’m wearing - an outfit that is a little more scandalous than I’m used to - has a short skirt that I’m worried someone will see up with Tyler’s position. However, I tell myself to take a deep breath and just worry about him, no one else.

“Is this alright?” Tyler asks, not having to move any closer, since the music isn’t as loud up here.

While I had been worried before, he makes me feel significantly less anxious, so I tell him as confidently as I can, “Yes, I’m alright.”

Tyler looks at me hungrily, a hint of a smile gracing his features as he takes me in. It tells me that I have no reason to worry while I’m here with him.

“I'm going to get us some drinks. Have to loosen you up some,” Tyler jokes, but his face turns serious as he asks, “Are you okay if I leave you here for a few minutes?”

I playfully shove him in the chest and reply, “Yeah, go ahead.”

As Tyler heads to the bar, I try to keep myself occupied with my phone. But before I know it, a new presence appears beside me, and I turn my head to find a younger man with shaggy blonde hair standing there.

“I couldn't help but notice you from across the room,” he says, flashing a wide smile with perfectly straight teeth.

I search for something polite to say, but I can only manage a curt, “Is that so?”

“That is so.” He leans in closer, and the smell of alcohol on his breath is unmistakable.

“When I see a beautiful woman sitting all by herself, I just have to check on her,” he continues with a confident tone, introducing himself as Andy.

I give him a tight-lipped smile and reply, “Maria.”

Ignoring my disinterest, Andy persists. “Can I offer you a drink, Maria?”

“No, I already have one on the way,” I respond, hoping he gets the hint that I'm not interested.

Unfazed, Andy keeps standing there, probing, “So, you're here with someone?”

“Yes, I am,” I assert firmly, my discomfort growing.

“Well, if I came with a woman as beautiful as you, I wouldn't have left her alone,” he boldly declares, reaching for my bare knee.

Annoyed, I shift my knee away, trying to create some distance. “Well, you didn't, so . . .” I trail off.

But Andy isn't deterred, moving even closer. “You don't need to be like that,” he growls, attempting to touch my face.

When the gesture is done by Tyler, it makes me feel warm inside, safe even. But when it’s done by a complete stranger, I’m utterly repulsed. At least when Tyler tried picking me up in the bar the first time, he didn’t touch me, and he graciously took his leave when it became obvious he wasn’t getting anywhere.

My head jerks away, not liking the touch, which only seems to annoy the man in his drunken state.

“Come on. I can make you feel good tonight,” he asserts, leaning his body closer to mine in an effort to kiss me.

But I lean back as far as I can in my seat as I tell him loudly, “It’s a hard no, man. You should leave.”