Page 19 of Accidental Daddy

But I guess for him, no doesn’t mean no, as he continues to fume in front of me.

“You listen to me, you bitch“ he starts but is quickly cut off by an even more menacing voice.

“What did you just say?” Tyler growls from behind the man, his hand gripping Andy on the shoulder as he jerks him away from me.

“None of your business,” Andy slurs, not looking fazed in the slightest.

“Well, why don’t you run along before I decide to throw you over this banister,” Tyler threatens, looking deadly serious as he says it.

Andy sizes up Tyler, calculating whether it’s worth it in his state to start a fight. He must think better of it, letting out an annoyed scoff.

“Whatever. You can have her,” the man says before leaving, most likely to find someone else to bother.

By the way Tyler has his fist clenched, I can tell he wishes to have done a lot more to that man.

Reaching out, I grab his balled-up fist in my hand. The gesture stops him from shooting daggers in the direction Andy went, his gaze immediately turning to me as his whole face softens.

Moving back in front of me, he grabs my cheeks with both of his hands.

“Are you okay?” he asks softly, tilting my head from side-to-side as he checks to see that I’m alright.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I tell him earnestly, hoping for him not to worry.

While the man had been brazen, and frankly, irritating, Tyler being here makes me feel a lot better. I can see the concern filling his eyes, and it feels a whole lot different than the Tyler I’d first met.

“Are you sure?” he asks, stilling my head between his hands as he stares intensely into my eyes.

The sound of the club music blasting from the speakers downstairs may as well not exist with the way Tyler is staring at me. Right now, it’s just the two of us.

I can’t mask a smile at his concern, “I’m sure.”

“We can leave if you want,” he continues, letting the thumb of his right hand delicately stroke my cheek.

The movement is soft, like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings against my skin, but even such a simple touch makes me feel electric.

“I’m alright. I want to stay,” I assert, before quickly adding, “I want to stay here with you.”

My words seem to light him up as his expression of concern shifts to one of delight, a smirk appearing on his face at my words.

“You want to stay here with me?” he echoes, his face moving impossibly closer to mine.

“Yes,” I laugh, reveling in the way his face darts forward with a promise of warm kisses.

On my cheeks, my forehead, my nose, and lastly, my lips, the kisses are short and sweet, and only have me yearning for more.

My body heats up at the idea, not dissimilar from the way I felt as I sat on my kitchen counter with Tyler kneeling between my legs. It starts at my lips, radiating outwards through my body. While the warmth may be attributed to the heat of the club, I’m confident it has more to do with Tyler’s presence than anything else.

And while I’m scared about having new feelings, Tyler somehow tempers some of that worry with his confident attitude and charming disposition.

So, yes, I’m sure. I want to stay here with him.



“That sounds like exactly something Tom would do,” I point out, sitting across the table from Maria.

“It is. While he didn’t realize the small ceremony wasn’t for the parents to attend, he still made sure to cheer loudly. It was embarrassing at the time, but sweet in hindsight,” Maria explains, a wistful expression on her face.