Page 42 of Be The One

“I also picked up some of the fresh spiced apple pie beer and mead. We have choices,” she said as she waggled her eyebrows.

I took a steadying breath. I had to remind myself to act normal. I was the one who’d suggested we see where things went. And, here I was, starting to panic about it.

I craved a distraction. I knew just the one.

Quinn’s kitchen had a low section of the counter. She told me it was for baking. She had started to turn and walk toward the refrigerator. I reached out, catching her lightly by the elbow. She spun back, and I reeled her closer to me.

“What is it?” she asked, stopping inches away from me.

“This.”I bent low and fit my mouth over hers, claiming her with a deep kiss. My desire pounded so rapidly inside me that I could hardly think through the drumbeat of it.

Our kiss started deep as I swept my tongue into her mouth, breathing her in, needing her as much as I needed air. The moment I tasted her, everything slowed. It was as if a curtain fell around us, catching us in a shimmer of sparks.

Our kiss gentled, our tongues lazily teasing. I drew back, resting my forehead on hers.

“Quinn,” I whispered against her lips.


I felt the sound of her saying my name in my heart. I had one hand cupping her nape, and the other palming her cheek. I felt as if my heart had been kicked over and lay sprawled and stunned before her. I was enthralled—to her, to this woman who was my best friend. Everything with her was startling in its intensity. Instead of this fiery-hot chemistry beginning to cool, it was heating up with the flames licking higher and higher, the fire white hot.

She made an impatient sound in the back of her throat, just a little hitch, something between a whimper and a sigh.

A second later, we kissed again. I needed her with a fierceness and desperation that shocked me. The next few moments were a messy fumble. Only half of our clothes were off, my jeans were shoved down around my hips, and hers were tossed to the floor. I lifted her onto that low counter, remembering a condom at the last minute and smoothing it on before I teased my fingers into her slippery wet core, growling to find her slick with arousal.

On the heels of a deep breath, I sank inside her. It felt like coming home when I joined with her like this. I seated myself deeply, nudging once when I was fully inside her. Her blouse was unbuttoned, and I could feel her nipples through the lace of her bra pressing against my chest.

I sucked in a ragged breath, opening my eyes. Hers were closed, and her lips were pink and kiss-swollen. Her cheeks were flushed. I could feel the rapid beat of her heart, a wild tumble, just like mine.

“Quinn, I want to see you. Look at me,” I rasped.

Her lashes lifted. Her hazel gaze was dark, the green standing out, a tiny detail I noticed whenever she was aroused.

We held still like that, caught in that shimmer of sparks. The moment felt suspended, slow, intimate, and so intense I could hardly breathe through the emotion rushing through me. I could feel my heartbeat in my cock as I drew back and filled her again, the very heart of her rippling and clenching around me.

I watched as her eyes held mine. She bit her lip at one point, letting out a little sigh before she whispered, “Kenan, please.”

I knew her torch song now, knew she was building to her crescendo. She blinked, and her legs tightened around my hips as I filled her once more. I reached between us, teasing my fingers over her slippery and swollen clit.

Her sharp cry rang out when she came, her hips bucking into me as I filled her once more. I finally let my release take hold, its claws sinking deep as I shuddered with her.

She tucked her head in the curve of my neck. I held her close as my heart thundered and the reality of what was happening slammed into me. I’d gone and fallen in love with my best friend.

For several heart-stopping seconds, a sense of panic struck me. But this was Quinn. Above all, she was my friend. I just needed not to panic. I needed to wait. To make sure she felt the same way and I wasn’t going to screw this all up.



In hindsight, I supposed it was a good thing we had that quick and dirty encounter in the kitchen. At the very least, it relieved the constant buzz of need I experienced with Quinn. I was less on edge, less tense.

It was late, coming up on when I would generally get ready to leave. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to sleep here, and not because I wanted sex. I just wanted to be close to Quinn.

This was the part where I might’ve fucked up. Because I was nervous and deeply unsettled by my feelings. I told her I needed to go to the bathroom. I did, but I needed a minute to figure out how the hell to say to her I just wanted to stay the night.

While she put things away in the kitchen, I went to the bathroom. As I washed my hands in the sink, my eyes landed on a medication bottle. She’d left it out. If it was a secret, she wouldn’t leave it there.

That was what I told myself. I lifted the bottle, noting the date of the prescription. It was the same day I’d seen her on the sidewalk by the pharmacy. I pulled up the medication on my phone. What the fuck?