Page 41 of Be The One

“What are you doing for the winery?”

“Just swipe for the next photo. No matter which direction you go, all of the photos in there are for this design.”

Haven had used a bold font for the main corporate design with a fireweed twined through the corner on one side. The winery and brewery had a more whimsical font.

I studied them before glancing back at her. “I love these!”

I glanced at Kenan as he was peering over my shoulder. “These are fantastic,” he enthused, smiling over at Haven.

Her cheeks were pink as she smiled. “Thank you. On the one hand, it’s just words, so it may seem like it should be quick and easy, but trying to find a balance between business and capturing the feel of the place is what I was after.”

Behind the lettering for the main corporate sign were jagged peaks, the skyline of Fireweed Harbor. “You absolutely succeeded,” I said as I passed her phone back over.

Kenan’s palm slid back onto my thigh, and he squeezed lightly. I steeled myself to handle the need rioting inside me. Conversation carried on around us. Meanwhile, between my anxiety and the arousal that just wouldn’t quit whenever I happened to be near Kenan, I was beyond flustered.

“Speaking of image, we need somebody to get the Christmas decorations up on the main building. I saw the winery is ready for the holidays, but we’re behind the ball on the offices,” McKenna commented.

I had never in my life worried about Christmas decorations, but I needed something to talk about. “We do need to take care of that.”

I could feel the heat of Kenan’s gaze on me, and knowing I needed to make things seem normal with us, I glanced up. “What?”

“I didn’t know you worried all that much about Christmas decorations,” he said.

I gestured around the café. They had lights strung in the windows and a crab pot fashioned into a Christmas tree glittering on one of the porch tables. Lights decorated the trees outside as well. “When the snow falls soon, it looks pretty. I’m just saying.”

He squeezed my thigh lightly, and heat pooled in my belly. Somehow, I didn’t even know how, I got through the social interaction. It felt like walking a tightrope. When the group broke apart, Kenan went to use the restroom on our way out. I was sliding my arms into my jacket sleeves when McKenna commented, “I knew something was going on with you and Kenan.”

I willed the heat in my cheeks away, knowing the effort was futile. I hoped she didn’t notice my blush when I glanced over and asked, “What are you talking about?”

McKenna’s eyes, so similar to Kenan’s even though they were a different color, held a sly glint. “You don’t have to admit anything, but I’m not stupid. I’ll just badger Kenan for it.”

She noticed the look on my face. “I’m just kidding,” she said quickly.

McKenna and I were friends. I suddenly wanted to confide everything to her. Yet it all felt like too much.

She studied me for several long moments before she added, “If you need to talk, I’m here.”



I’d seen Quinn come out of the pharmacy before I encountered her on the sidewalk. I tried to tell myself there were plenty of reasons for anyone to stop by the pharmacy. In Fireweed Harbor, the pharmacy wasn’t just a pharmacy. It was a general store with odds and ends.

They even sold beer and wine there. Yet I couldn’t ignore the niggling feeling that Quinn was keeping something from me. All of my suspicious curiosity looped back to that doctor’s appointment in Juneau.

A few days later, we were having dinner—something we’d done once or twice a week for the past few years. Now though, it felt different. There was before I’d kissed Quinn and after I’d kissed Quinn. I’d picked up pizza on the way over to her house. When she opened the door for me, I found myself leaning down to kiss her. Because I couldn’t help it. Her eyes were bright, and her lips were pink and full.

I was a little breathless when I lifted my head a moment later. Her cheeks were flushed. Her dog Bela trotted over and wiggled in a circle around us.

“Hey,” Quinn said.

I was relieved she sounded as breathless as I felt. I cleared my throat. “Hey.” I lifted the pizza a little higher. “I got two boxes.”

“I can count,” she said dryly as she closed the door behind me. “I swung by The Sugar Spoon and got your favorite chocolate mousse cheesecake,” she added.

We walked together toward the kitchen area. “A woman after my heart,” I commented as I set the pizzas on the counter.

That would normally be just a one-off teasing response to her. But just now, my heart kicked hard in response with the beat echoing through my body. Everything felt imbued with more meaning with her.