One week later
Rain fell in buckets from the sky, and you couldn’t dash anywhere from your car without getting drenched. The wind blew sideways, making it even more dicey out. I looked through the blurry windows of my car and steeled myself before climbing out into the deluge.
I ran as fast as I could from my car into the back door of my apartment building. Once I made it safely inside and closed the door behind me, I stopped. I was out of breath, and water dripped onto the floor. My legs were soaked. The sky had been clear with a bright sun this morning, and I hadn’t realized it was supposed to rain. I ran a hand over my wet hair and laughed, resigned to my soaking-wet state. I tromped up the stairs, eyeing the water trail guiding me upward. Cooper must’ve just gotten home as well.
When I opened the door at the top of the stairs into our shared hallway, I saw Cooper standing just outside our doors. He was also dripping wet.
He turned to look at me. “Hey,” I said with a laugh slipping out. “You’re as wet as I am.”
“I was trying to decide which apartment to go into,” he offered with a wry grin.
“I vote for yours. You have the washer and dryer. I’ll race you to the bathroom.”
It was on. We stumbled toward his door. Humpty sat on the windowsill in the hallway, and he dashed after us.
I elbowed Cooper out of the way when we got to his bathroom door. We were both laughing and breathless by then. A second later, he was kissing me and pressing me against the wall. My lips were cool from the rain. The shock of his lips on mine was a fiery contrast to the shivery cold I felt from getting drenched.
We stripped quickly, leaving our clothes in a messy scatter on the floor. We were in a rush to get our hands on each other. I was relieved we’d had the birth control conversation the other evening, and I’d let him know I was on the pill, so we no longer had to worry about condoms. Just now, I didn’t want to think. I simply wanted him.
Moments later, steam was rising around us in the shower and Cooper was cupping my face with both hands as we kissed deeply. We broke free, both almost giddy at the moment as we stared at each other. I could feel his arousal against my belly.
“Hurry,” I gasped.
His shower had a small seat in the corner, just a little triangle. He turned, sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. Straddling him, I let out a satisfied hum when he positioned his thick crown at my entrance. “Now,” he rasped.
When I sank down over him, sheathing him inside me, I whimpered at the luscious stretch and the feel of the gliding friction.
“Look at me.”
I opened my eyes, ensnared in his dark gaze instantly.
He rocked deeper into me. “I love you.”
My heart clamored for joy with a thundering beat. “I love you too.”
He captured my mouth again, and moments later, my release spun through me as he held me close. I flew apart with pleasure ricocheting everywhere inside.
After we actually showered, we lounged on the couch as the rain poured down outside. We ordered takeout because neither one of us wanted to go back out in that weather. Everything still felt fresh for us, but it felt good,reallygood. We fell asleep at my place that night because, as Cooper pointed out, my bed was more comfortable.
The following morning, I met my mom for coffee. She had returned from her visit with my grandparents. It felt as if she and I were gradually building something new. We had scaffolding for our relationship now. It was sturdy, but we needed to keep building. My grandparents were going to come to Alaska for a visit. I’d spoken with them on the phone several times. They were so excited, and it felt kind of strange. This part of my life had been shut off, a door closed and bolted shut by my stepfather. Now, the door was open, and I peered through it, trying to get the lay of the land. I was nervous and uncertain but relieved this pathway was now open in my life.
I looked across the table at my mother. “How was the trip?”
She was quiet for a long moment, and then she smiled with a sheen of tears in her eyes. On the heels of a breath, she nodded. “Really good. I keep saying it to you and to myself. I can’t change the past, but I’m just going to hope things keep moving forward in a better way.”
My heart beat unsteadily. “I’m glad, Mom. You’re okay.Weare okay.”
Anxiety spun in my chest because I wanted to tell her about Cooper, but our relationship was so new. I didn’t talk about relationships with her, or anyone, because there’d never been one to talk about. I finally took a breath and simply told her, ending with, “I didn’t ever expect something like this. I hope it’s okay.”
“Can I meet him?” she asked, her tone hesitant.
Her question alone broke my heart. “Of course, Mom. I want you to meet him, and I don’t see how you can’t. I mean, Willow Brook is definitely a small town.”
Just then, I heard the bell on the door to the café jingle, heralding the arrival of customers. IknewCooper came in without even looking.
Because I had to know if my senses were spot-on, I glanced over to see him walking in with Rowan and Wes. When he saw me, he smiled, and I gestured for him to come over to our table.
“Is that Cooper?” my mom asked as he approached.