Page 49 of Take Me Now

I should’ve been nervous, but I wasn’t, not even a little. “Yeah. It’s him.”



Two years later

I adjusted my shoulders. Rowan glanced over, flashing a quick grin. “Looking good. Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

I wasbeyondready. In three minutes, my wedding ceremony would start. Rowan was my best man. We’d been pretty good friends back in Stolen Hearts Valley and had gotten closer since I joined the hotshot crew here in Willow Brook.

He studied me for a moment, his gaze sobering. “I’m glad you’re getting married to Farrah.”

“You are?”

He nodded. “When you came out here, and I heard what had happened with Cindy, it didn’t suit you to be the cynical guy. That was never your personality. When you and Cindy got engaged, it made sense at the time. Not necessarily because I thought she was the one for you, but because you’re that kind of guy. Loyalty and commitment mean a lot to you, and you and Farrah are right for each other. Things usually work out the way they’re supposed to. Sometimes life bangs us up a little bit before we get there.”

A few hours later, I looked down at Farrah, my heart still feeling almost stunned by the day. Our reception was in full swing on the deck overlooking the lake behind Wildlands Lodge. The sun was setting, leaving a shimmer of tangerine and gold on the lake and the sky. Farrah was laughing at something Tiffany had just said. Rowan’s earlier observation before the wedding echoed in my thoughts. I couldn’t imagine committing my heart to anyone other than Farrah. In hindsight, I wasn’t so sure it would’ve worked out for Cindy and me. I would’ve preferred to be spared the double betrayal of her and a friend. But that very betrayal was what led me to Alaska and ultimately to Farrah.

Farrah turned and glanced up at me. “What is it?” she prompted.

She’d changed out of her wedding dress. We had wanted the reception to be casual. Even though it was late summer in Alaska, the air was brisk. She was wearing a jade-green silky blouse that brought out her eyes.

“Just thinking. I love you,” I replied simply.

Her eyes twinkled with her smile. “Good thing you do because now we’re married. It would be a project to break up.”

I chuckled. Dipping low, I slipped an arm around her waist and kissed her. Again. “When can we go home?” I asked when I straightened.

Home, for now, was Farrah’s apartment, which we officially shared. Someone else had moved in across the hallway in my old place. After tonight, I had a surprise for her.

“How about now?” she suggested.

“Sounds good to me.”

We said our goodbyes and slipped away. Humpty waited for us when we got home. He still liked to twine around our ankles when we came in. After that, he returned his focus to looking out the window.

We’d been together for two years now, and I didn’t think a wedding ceremony would make that much difference. Since I’d felt committed by heart to Farrah ever since I’d come to terms with my feelings, I’d considered our wedding more of a formality than anything.

But somehow, my heart was in my throat and my emotions were rushing in like a high tide. I palmed her cheek, staring deep into her eyes.

“I meant every word today,” I whispered gruffly.

She placed her palm over my heart, and it lunged toward her touch. My heart recognized her.

“I know you did. I love you,” she whispered.

Seconds later, we were kissing and tugging at each other’s clothes. Everything felt frantic until I lifted her into my arms, and we tumbled into the bed. She straddled me, her eyes on mine as she rose above and sheathed me in her silky, clenching core.

Only after we found our release could I take the time to savor her. I felt startlingly alive and at peace when she curled against me later, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my chest.

This—Farrah, us—was everything I wanted.


“Wherearewe going?” I pressed.