Page 16 of Keeping Her Close

“Then two of his buddies decided they needed to help hold me still, and they surrounded me. Security wasn't making it to me fast enough, so I fought back.”

Straightening up, I reach under my skirt and pull out my knife to show Jake.

“That's when I took matters into my own hands before his hands found themselves somewhere they weren't meant to be. I stabbed him in the thigh.”

“Well, shit Andy. What in the fuck am I supposed to do with that? We have no cameras over there and if he tries to sue you, I will lose.”

`He starts running a hand through his hair as he gets lost in thought for a moment.

“That is pretty fucking intense though, I’m glad that you could defend yourself against them. But we definitely should not be stabbing the customers from here on out.”

“Well, as long as your customers keep their nasty hands to themselves, I won’t stab anyone.”

Nodding his head in agreement, he stands up and heads toward the door. I go to follow when he turns around and stops me in my tracks.

“Why don't you hang out in here for a bit and gather yourself before heading back out there? The night is still young and there’s plenty of time to make more money, but for now, I would like you to relax and compose yourself."

Flopping back down on the couch, I grab the blanket, which is draped over the back, and wrap it around my legs so that I can at least warm up, and just stare at the floor. A minute or two later, after no response in return, Jake walks out, shutting the door behind himself.

Once he is out of the room, I am back on my feet and begin pacing the length of the room. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my body that I am surprised that I am not still shaking from it all. I may have to give in tonight and let my wolf go for a run after work so that I can at least relax tomorrow, because at this point, I don't even think that I can sit still; let alone keep her under control.

Chapter fourteen


AsIcomebackinside to find Andrea, I see her boss with his arm around her, escorting her to the hallway that leads back to the bathrooms and other back rooms. My wolf growls in response to another man touching what is ours. But I have to shrug it off because I have to believe that he is just trying to help her out, not trying to claim her.

Walking up to the bar, I order a whiskey on the rocks and a couple of shots of tequila. My body is buzzing with adrenaline after the incident in the alley and I need relief. Alcohol will at least numb it for now until I can fully let go. I will most likely go for a run tonight too, after all this bullshit is done.

The bartender, Cassie, hands me my drinks while staring at my hands and I immediately throw back both shots before digging out my wallet. Maybe it's the tattoos snaking down the backs of my hands, but I ignore it and hand her a fifty, telling her to keep the change. She clears the empty glasses from in front of me, scurrying away as fast as she can.

Turning, I take in my surroundings once more. I am about halfway through my whiskey when I see Jake returning from the darkened hallway. Alone this time.

Fucking perfect.

I throw back the rest of my drink, relishing in the way it burns on the way down, and slam my empty glass down on the bar.

Pushing off the bar, I head to where he came from. There are a few different doors back here besides the bathrooms and I'm not sure where exactly she is, so I stop and listen, using my wolf to locate her.

Following my instincts, I find myself at the last door on the right, next to a door I assume leads outside if the exit sign above the door is any indication. Just as I go to reach for the handle, it turns and pulls open. In front of me is a very pissed-off and sexy Andrea in all her gloriousness.

She is still in her teeny little outfit, mascara is running down her cheeks, and she has some smears of blood that are still visible. Her body is vibrating with power as she stands before me, taking me all in. Starting at my boots, she drinks me in until her eyes lock with mine. Her eyes flash that beautiful blue, while she takes a step back, both in shock and fear at what is to come.

I stalk toward her like the hunter after their prey. Like the Big Bad Wolf looking to devour Little Red. If she only knew what I wanted to do to her, she would try to hightail it out of here.

Shutting the door behind me, I make sure to lock it, all the while keeping my eyes trained on my prey. She looks scared for her life, as she should. I have finally caught her and have her right where I want her. She tries to back herself behind the desk situated in the middle of the room, but freezes when she sees my eyes flashing an intense green.

“You better think twice about what you want to do, little pup,” I growl at her, noticing how her thighs clench together. Hands inching closer to the hem of her skirt and to what she has hidden beneath it.

She doesn't take my warning and before I can restrain her hands; she has pulled out her knife and whips it open. Pointing it straight at me with a wicked little smirk on her face. I'm not sure if she’s meaning to be scary, but all I see is a cute little pup about to get her world turned upside down when she submits to me.

In a movement too fast for her to track, I step into her body and rip the knife out of her hand. Catching it by the blade, I pull it out of her hand, slicing open my palm in the process. Sheathing her knife right next to mine in my boot, I watch as the blood starts pooling in my hand.

Looking up at Andrea, the way it pools in my cupped hand is utterly mesmerizing her. I turn my hand just enough and she watches as it slowly drips to the floor, tracking each drop until it hits the outdated carpet beneath our feet.

I continue to watch as she struggles with herself, and her instincts, as she steps forward and takes my massive hand into her two smaller ones. Cradling it while it continues to bleed and begins to cover her own hands.

Just when I think she's going to try to subdue me once again, she stabs her fingernails into the wound. Eliciting a deep growl from my chest, I step even closer to her, her chest brushing against mine every time she takes a breath. That's when she surprises me. She drops my hand down and backs up a step, putting her bloodied fingers to her lips. Just like she did out on the dance floor.