Page 15 of Keeping Her Close

I'm only able to take these guys one at a time because it'll take me a few minutes to do what needs to be done to each of them. After dropping the scrawny one, I spin around and catch the pot belly one by the back of the neck before he can make it out of the alley. Throwing him back, I hear a sickening thud as his head meets the brick.

I only have to wait about two minutes before one of them starts to wake. Reaching for him, I grab him by the throat once again and pull him up until he is standing. Using my knife, I cut through his already soiled pants to reveal an equally soiled pair of what I would consider men's panties.

“You have got to be kidding me? You act all big and bad to the boys around you and try to rape women but you still wear the panties your momma picked out for you?”

Snickering to myself, I cut them away as well. After releasing his throat, I reach inside my jacket and pull out a pair of gloves that I keep on myself for times just like this. Pulling them on, I notice that another of the men is starting to regain consciousness.

I quickly adjust my grip on my knife, grab this lowlife by the thing he cherishes the most, and slice clean through in one swoop. The scrawny one next to him witnesses his friend's dick coming clean off in my hand, and he begins to scream like the little bitch he is. Before anyone can hear his pleas, I shove his own sorry excuse for a shrimp dick right down his throat and slam his jaw shut around it.

He starts to try and claw my hands away as he gags on his dick. Grabbing his right hand, I slice off each finger one by one before starting the other hand. The man next to him is frozen on the spot, a single stream of piss travels down his leg as he whispers what sounds like please no. But I can't be sure because The Dick Swallower won’t stop trying to scream around the dick lodged in his throat.

Once I am finished with the first guy, I pull my phone from my pocket. Looking at the time, I realize that it's been fifteen minutes already and I'm not one to break a promise. I quickly slit the guy's throat, pushing him to the side before making quick work of the other two in the same manner.

Wiping my knife on the leg of my jeans and sliding it back into my boot, I remove my gloves and stuff them back into the pocket I pulled them from. I readjust the stupid ass mask covering my face before smoothing my hair back into place.

Unable to push my wolf back down, I feel the menacing grin stretch across my face and the glow in my eyes shines bright. The wolf has come out to play and he is nowhere near done with this remarkable night.

Time to head in and find our Little Red.

Chapter thirteen


Theadrenalinefromstabbingthat asshole has me shaking still. As I wash my hands in the bathroom, my thoughts begin to drift away, right alongside the blood mixing with water. Disappearing down the drain, never to be seen again. I cannot believe that just happened. Why the hell do I keep finding myself in these situations lately?

Is there a giant note on my back that says “Fuck Me Against My Will?"

If I could figure out why, I would put a stop to this shit. But until then it looks like I am just going to have to be a little more aggressive, instead of the cute, innocent girl that I have been pretending to be. I hated her anyway. Looks like it's time to bring Andrea back because she loved what happened out on that dance floor tonight.

The look on his face when my knife pierced his skin and the feeling of it sliding through his leg like butter, down to the bone. Then there was the way his blood ran down my hand afterward, and the taste of it as I licked it from my lips. The coppery tang as it exploded across my taste buds sent tingles coursing through my body. My thighs became slick instantly and my wolf purred right along with me.

We missed this. It was intense and we need more.

But I have to act like sweet, innocent Andy, who was just traumatized on the dance floor, for at least the rest of my shift. Just as I make my way behind the bar, I spot Jake and the head of security coming my way. I know what is coming, and I am as ready for it as I am going to be.

“Hey, Andy. I’m going to need you to come with me back to my office for a few minutes so that we can chat about what the hell just happened out there,” Jake demands.

He’s fucking pissed. I can tell. What I can’t tell is whether I pissed him off or if it is the whole situation.

Trying my best to put on a face of sheer terror and that of a traumatized little girl, I turn to face them. Tears start to well in my eyes as I sheepishly say, “Yes, thank you. I could honestly use some time to gather myself before I can even attempt to finish this shift.”

Jake wraps his arms around me protectively and leads me to the back, where his office is located. Heading down the long hallway, past all the bathrooms and the liquor room, I keep wiping my eyes and sniffling to keep up the charade of being hurt. He opens the door and gestures for me to head ahead of him into the room.

“Why don't you take a seat and we’ll chat?” he asks as he gestures toward the couch off to the side of his desk.

Walking over to the couch, I sit on the side closest to the door and curl up, tucking my legs underneath myself. It's freezing in here and I don't exactly have much clothing on tonight, so I'm instantly chilled. He sits on the opposite side of the couch and starts talking. All the while avoiding my eyes and looking as uncomfortable as ever.

“Security said they escorted three men out not too long ago. Said they were bothering you and had you pushed up against the wall on the dance floor. "

Well yes that’s what happened. He’s acting like I wasn't the one going through it. Hopefully he isn't able to see how annoyed I am right now.

“They also said that one of them was holding his leg and bleeding profusely from a fresh wound. Would you like to explain what the fuck happened out there?”

Taking a deep breath while doing my best to keep the smirk off my face, I muster up the most exaggerated feelings I can manage.

“I was coming back from delivering the DJ his drinks when one of them slammed into me. Spilling his beer all over me and when I told him to watch where he was going, he shoved me up against the wall and started feeling me up. I tried to fight back and get him off of me.”

Tears start skating down my face as I recount everything. Not out of sadness or fear, but out of pure rage.