Page 73 of All For You Duet

But we need to go slow. He said sex is different for him now, and I understand. Like we have to be careful. Like if we join again, it could destroy us in the most beautiful way.

“What’s in the box?” I tease him while unlocking my front door.

“When you win a round of strip Uno,” he kisses my cheek, “I’ll let you open it.”

But I don’t win. Sitting at my dining room table, I’ve lost two rounds, heels, and a dress. I want to keep losing, but what’s in that box distracts me. It’s big and Tiffany blue with a white bow while Redix sits across from me, fully clothed and fully amused. The detective in me can’t help it.

“There’s no Tiffany store in this state. How did you get that present for tonight?”

He grins, dealing our third round. “I’ve had it for a year and brought it with me this time.”

I can’t stand it. Sitting in lingerie in front of him, and he’s been planning this? I don’t pick up the cards.

“I’m boycotting this game until I open that box.”

“That’s not the rules.”

“I never follow the rules.”

He tosses his head back. “Jesus, Candy Cade. You never had patience either.”

“Yes, I do.” My voice stammers. “I’ve had it for ten years.”

That softens his face.

“Okay. No more waiting.” He slides the box my way. “For you.”

The box is square. I pull the ribbon off and lift the lid to find three smaller boxes inside. They have gift tags on them with his handwriting. I’d recognize it anywhere. He writes in all caps.

“Open them in order.”

His voice is gentle, so are his eyes watching me.

I open the one labeled “PAST.” It’s the biggest. When I pull back the tissue, tears fall so fast I can’t stop them. It’s the postcards I sent him when I traveled with Dad. He has them wrapped in a purple ribbon.

“You kept these?”

I choke on air as he stands up. Steps bring him to his hand, reaching for my cheek.

“You kept my heart while I kept our memories.”

I stand up, too, and his lips take me. A sob wants to escape my throat, but it goes away when his tongue meets mine. I sigh as it warms me, his gift, his kiss, his body pressing into mine.

“I’m still that same boy, Cade.” His lips ghost mine. “The one who wakes up excited to see you every day.”

“The one who spelled out ‘Candy Cade’ on Sweetheart candies for me,” I remind him, “for Valentine’s, and I ate them for you, even though I feared the magic marker you used would kill me?”

“Yeah, that one.” Love swirls in his eyes. “Open your next gift.”

I want him now, but I’m so touched by his gestures, I listen. He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around me while I open the next box. “PRESENT,” it reads. I know the shape. The size. The rattle. Yes, it’s a box of Lemonheads.

“What’s this for?”

His breath steams my ear. “Tonight.”

A white-hot jolt of lust shoots through me. I hope I know how these will be enjoyed.

“Hurry,” he says, “and open the last one.”