Page 74 of All For You Duet

It reads “FUTURE,” and it’s a necklace box. I open it… and gulp.

It’s a gold double-link pendant holding two chains together. It’s elegant in design, like the infinity symbol. It’s sexy in its message, like bondage links.

“Infinity, remember?” he asks, making my belly flip as he takes the necklace from the box. “That’s what I promised you.”

Clasping it around my neck, I’m eighteen again when we were waiting to buy wedding rings, so he gave me an infinity necklace as a promise. He swore that’s how long he’d love me. Tragically, the necklace didn’t fulfill its promise. It was taken from us that night.

Everything was but this, but us.

“This is my promise to try again with you,” he says before kissing my neck with the chain around it.

It’s strong and delicate in the same form, like us, and my heart slams in my chest as he turns my chin. Gentle at first, he kisses me until it’s not so tender, his tongue taking me with a fervor that makes me moan into his possession. He presses his forehead to mine.

“Cade Bryant, will you please be mine?” He’s putting my heart back together. “Again?”


And the pain ends with my exhale.

“You know what I feel for you.” His voice strains. “You know what we’ve been through, and it’ll fucking overwhelm us if we talk about it, but not tonight. I want us to play. Can we?”


I want it too. I could cry and hold him for hours at the brutal memories and sweet gifts he’s kept wrapped up for so long… but not now. I need this. I need him.

He unhooks the bra he bought me. It falls to the table. Kissing my shoulder blades, his hands graze the slope of my breasts, making my nipples peak as I stagger into his touch.

“Climb up there now.”

His command is soft, but his pinch of my nipples is hard, sending me into action as I crawl on top of the table, on all fours, hungry for this.

“Lie down.” The sound of his voice is barely restrained, and I’m desperate for what he’s holding back. “And be still.”

With my breasts pressing against the cool wood, I let my body obey, lying flat on the table.

I trust him. Only him. He won’t hurt me; he’ll only cherish me until I’m screaming for more. But I don’t know what to do with my hands until he takes control, lifting them above my head like they’re in cuffs.

“Hold them there, and don’t move.”

I turn my head to face him.

“Kiss me after every command, and then I’ll listen.”

That’s my deal. I’m not a woman who’ll fully submit to any man. He grins, knowing that, bowing down while I lift my lips for his kiss. It’s gentle, negating his hard commands until he nips my bottom lip and his voice drops…

“This is our new game. Will you let me play?”


Eyeing me, he opens the box of Lemonheads and I don’t say a word, every nerve in my body anticipating this as the slick surface of the candy barely touches my flesh. He rests it between my shoulder blades. I hold still so it won’t roll off while he places a second lower, balanced on my spine. He touches the next against the small of my back and…

Will there be more?

God, yes, I almost arch when he lifts the delicate band of my panties and tucks a candy under it, leaving it to savor at the top of my crevice. I try not to move while playing his game, but I’m impatient, watching him step back to enjoy the sight of me.

“I told you”—he removes his jacket—“you’re my Candy Cade.”

I’m not fighting him. I just want him on me, in me, taking me, please, anything. And when he lifts his T-shirt—his obliques, his abs—they all flex for my view, and I stifle my moan. I might as well be cuffed because I dare not move, or I’ll lose, but he catches me adoring him, and the smirk on his face warns he’ll do much more to me.