Page 26 of Forget Me Knot

I chuckle at her rapid thought process, even as my heart aches for her. This girl couldn’t be any sweeter if she tried, and as of last night, she’s officially ours. Helping her out of bed, I lean in to whisper in her ear, brimming with pride at the way she shivers and sways forward. “Anything for you, mon cœur. Now get that cute ass in the shower so we can head out. You’ve got an hour before we’re late,” I say, smirking at her and smacking a noisy kiss on her cheek.

Smiling to myself, I turn to head into the living room so I can order my darling strawberry girl her pancakes. The first thing I see is Rook pacing quickly with a concerned frown on his face, talking on the phone. He’s a serious guy normally, but this is a whole other level. I can’t help but wonder if it’s something bad or if his new bond is intensifying his feelings about something trivial. No matter what he’s hearing, it’s clearly not good. Stopping directly in front of him, I wait for him to let me know what’s going on, since I can only hear bits of the conversation from his end. It isn’t long before he hangs up and turns to me.

“We need to grab the rest of the guysnow,” he says, a bit of growl slipping into his voice.

I nod my head. “You got it. Give me a sec. Blake should be in the shower if we need privacy.”

He nods, and I rush to the other two rooms down the short hallway, banging on the doors. “Pack meetingNOW,” I say it as quietly as I can while still letting them hear how serious I am.

Less than a minute later, the entire pack is gathered in the large living room of our suite. We have a home here in London, but because this will be a short trip and we want Blake to be able to experience as much as possible, we’re staying at The Savoy.

Rook is still pacing and muttering to himself, so I look around at the other guys and shake my head, letting them know I have no idea what’s going on. Finally, he sits down on the coffee table in front of us, his hands steepled in front of his face as he takes a deep breath. “So, I just got off the phone with Pack O’Connor, and they requested an urgent meetingwithoutBlake. Like, they want to meet at HQ right now. One of us needs to stay back and take her sightseeing for a few hours while we get through this meeting.”

Kas, shocking all of us, lifts his chin. “I want to take her to Warner Bros today. It’s forty-five minutes by car and a two-hour tour, which puts us back here by noon. We can meet up with y’all, have lunch, and show her around the facilities and show her off.”

Clearing his throat, Kai looks at his brother like he’s an alien. “Dude… are you sure you’re okay missing this meeting?”

Kas rolls his eyes at all of us. “If y’all think I’m gonna miss a chance to take our Omega to my favorite place in the world, you’re wrong. I trust y’all to fill me in or record the meeting, but this is exactly what I need right now.”

Hades nods. “I’ll make sure to take notes if we can’t record, but come on. It’s Silas, Owen, Grayson, and Beckett. We know these guys; wetrust themto handle the important stuff. Whatever they’re gonna tell us, it’s because we need to know, but we all know they’ve got it under control.”

“Exactly. So, I’m gonna go finish getting ready, and then show our girl the wonderful world of witchcraft and wizardry.” He smirks, walking backwards and shooting finger guns until he rounds the corner.

Laughing, I shake my head. “And on that note, I’m gonna go tell Blake there’s been a slight change of plans.”

I walk back into the bedroom to see Blake tossing Rook’s shirt on the bed and I mentally make a note to give her one of mine. I groan when I notice she’s only wearing a towel, and she turns back to look at me, smiling shyly and covering herself. Walking up to her, I gently pull her arms down by her sides and kiss her puffy pink lips.

“Mon cœur, youneverneed to feel shy with me. I may not be one of your Alphas, but I’m ready to be your Beta if...whenyou’re ready to claim me. I’m yours, sweet girl.”

She’s blushing now, but instead of shying away from my declaration like I expected her to, she pops up on her toes and gives me a sweet kiss. Before she can pull away, I run my tongue along the seam of her lips before slipping it into her mouth. She moans softly, bringing her hands up to the back of my head and scratching her fingers gently on my scalp. I groan loudly, practically purring into her mouth as my knees buckle and I fall back to the bed, bringing her down on top of me as gently as possible.

“Oof.” She giggles as we land. “Sorry, are you okay? I hope I didn’t hurt you!”

She sits up, so she’s straddling my hips, and I have to name different dinosaurs in my head, so I don’t get a boner like a fifteen-year-old having his first make-out session.

Raptor, T-rex, Brachiosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Chicken…

Blake looks down at me like I’m crazy. “Did you just call me chicken? I thought weird nicknames were Kaspian’s thing?” she asks.

Shit, I said that last one out loud.

I’mblushing now. “Uhh… what are the chances you’ll let me out of here without explaining why I just said chickens?” I ask her with a big smile, making sure to pop the dimple in my right cheek that always got me out of trouble as a kid.

Rolling her eyes at me, she drops down, so her elbows are on my chest. She leans her head in her hands and gives me the sweetest smile. Just as I think she’s going to let me off the hook, she boops me on the nose.

“Less than zero percent. But bonus points for having a cute dimple,” she says smugly.

Holy shit. I am in so much trouble with this girl.

She leans back and crosses her arms, giving me a stare I’m sure she thinks is intimidating, but really makes her look like a mildly annoyed kitten. There’s not a chance in hell I’m ever tellingherthat, though.

Taking a deep breath, I smooth my face into some semblance of serious and pin her with a look. “What you say in response to my next question could make or break our relationship. Are you prepared for that?”

She looks curious but not scared, so I doubt she’s buying my bullshit. She indulges me anyway and says, “Hit me with it, Ace.”

Quirking my brows at her, I wonder where the nickname came from, and I remind myself to ask her later. Getting serious again, I look her straight in the eyes. Then, with every single ounce of composure I can muster, I ask, “Do you believe chickens are dinosaurs?”

Her eyes are wide as saucers as she blinks owlishly at me. “Maybe…” she says slowly, dragging the word out into several long syllables. “Ace… doyoubelieve chickens are dinosaurs?”