Page 27 of Forget Me Knot

I nod solemnly at her. “I don’t just believe it. Theyare.”




Achilles’ question is so unexpected I have no idea what to say, but I’m trying desperately not to laugh. I only manage to be silent for another minute before my face splits and then I’m laughing so hard tears are immediately streaming down my cheeks.

“You’re… insane,” I say as I finally get my laughter under control.

The next thing I know, Kaspian is behind me, pulling me to lean further back against his chest. It startles me, and I tighten my towel around my chest, all too aware that I only have on panties underneath. I don’t own a bra because of the whole “captive since I was eleven” thing, and I feel like I should probably get one at some point. I don’t get a chance to feel shy about my lack of clothing, though. Cupping my throat, he tilts my head back so I can see his gorgeous, dark brown eyes and smirking lips.

“What’s so funny, my little crumpet?” he asks, his smirk widening into a full smile as he leans down to kiss my forehead.

Giggling, I back up to slide off of Achilles’ lap. “Did you know dinosaurs are actually chickens? Ace told me so,” I say, looking over my shoulder at his sprawled form. He’s still stretched out on the bed and his shirt has ridden up so I can see his drool worthy abs and just a hint of tattoo on his ribs. The thought of licking them distracts me so much I don’t hear the guys break out into raucous laughter at my statement.

I’m brought out of my fantasy when Kas gently uses a finger to turn my face back to his. “You done drooling there, Neil?”

My nose scrunches. “Huh?”

He rolls his eyes playfully. “You wound me, B. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon, and you were just spacing out. Ipso facto, Neil. But speaking of nicknames, did you just call Achilles, Ace? And if so,why?”

The reminder makes me giggle again as I nod. “Yeah, I did. One of the movies that played most often at night was Ace Ventura, and Phil would fall asleep on the couch with the TV blaring. So even though I’ve never actuallyseenthe movies, I can quote them almost word for word. When Achilles just randomly brought up chickens, and then told me they’re dinosaurs, it just made me think of something Ace Ventura would say. So now he’s Ace,” I say, smiling back at him as he groans and covers his face with his hands.

A shuffling sound comes from behind me and I roll my eyes when I see that at some point, the rest of the guys came in without me noticing. They’re all snickering, some hiding it better than others. But it’s Hades that finally cracks and a full belly laugh comes out of him, which sets them all off.

“Dude… why thefuckwere you talking about chickens with our gorgeous Omega straddling your lap?” Hades gets out between chuckles.

The man on the bed, still hiding behind his hands, lets out a snort, followed by another deep groan. “Godfuckingdamnit,fine.I’ll tell y’all.” Finally uncovering his face, he looks at me. “You were sitting in my lap and looking all fucking gorgeous, and I was trying to not immediately get a boner like a kid…”

Rook barks out a laugh. “Newsflash, youarea kid.”

Glaring over at him, Achilles snaps out, “Anyway. I was trying to get control of my damned body so I could talk to our girl, and I started naming dinosaurs in my head and because a chickenis a dinosaur, I named that one too. Only… I guess that one was out loud.”

Everybody is silent for a minute while we process his words. I roll my lips to hide my laughter, and once I can speak, I say, “So when I asked youwhyyou said chickens, and you changed the subject… I guess you could say youchickened out?”

The guys and I all howl with laughter the second I finish my question. Kas and I are leaning on each other and he’s laughing so hard he has tears building in his eyes. Ace is scowling at me, but I can see a playful glimmer in his eyes, and I think he’s just happy to see me happy.

Kas finally stops laughing and wipes his eyes. “Alright, little comedian, you and I are gonna paint the town green today, baby. You ready?” he asks, giving me the sweetest smile.

I smile back but look at all of them. “I thought we were going to work? I want to see what you guys do and meet people.” Okay, I’ll admit. I’m pouting just a little. My bottom lip quivers just the slightest bit, which causes Rook and Kai to cover their eyes immediately.

Leaning to the side and mumbling to Hades, “D, Jesus Christ, give the girl whatever she wants. Just make her stop with the look,” Rook begs as Kai nods in agreement, still covering his eyes.

Kas rolls his. “Pout-pout fish, do you like Harry Potter?” he asks.

My pout disappears as my jaw drops. “Like? Did you just ask me if IlikeHarry Potter?! Does the oceanlikesalt? Do flowerslikethe sun? Do youlikebreathing? It isESSENTIAL.Those books got me through my entire seven years of cave dwelling.Likeis an understatement of world ending proportions.”

All the guys’ eyes are wide, and Kas is positivelybeamingat me.

“You’re in luck then, Slytherin. We have a tour of the Warner Bros HP film studio in just over an hour and we need to leave now if we’re gonna make it on time. Especially if we want to get Butterbeer before the tour starts,” Kas tells me excitedly.

“Holy shit. Where are my shoes?!” I start running around frantically, pulling on one of Kas’ hoodies I swiped from his suitcase last night and dropping the towel once I have it on. It’s practically a dress on me, but it smells like gingerbread cookies and the sweetest vanilla icing, so I’m wearing it. Quickly tying my shoes, I pop up from the ground. “Ready!”

All the guys are just standing there grinning at me from the doorway, so I cock my hip and raise an eyebrow at Kas. “You can’t promise me Butterbeer, and then drag your feet. Let’s go!”

Chuckling, he turns into the living room and snags a set of keys I didn’t notice on the coffee table.