Page 75 of Rex's Release

“Thank you, Top.” Doc reached out and took the cut from his hand. She held it up in front of her and looked it over. On the left side, there were two patches. One saidRex’s OL, and. The other saidDoc. After staring at it for a moment, she looked up at Rex. “Do you get one of these patches?”

Rex chuckled. “Yes. I will have a patch that saysDoc’s OMorProperty of Doc, whichever you would prefer.” He bent his head down and kissed her lips. Then he took the cut from her hands and helped her put it on over her lightweight jacket. After sliding it onto her shoulders, he put his mouth by her ear. “And your name will be in my skin, right where it belongs.”

She turned her head and opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by Sugar shouting, “Shots!”

As Doc was swept away from him by the Ol’ Ladies, Ginger approached with a smile on her face. “Ready for your ink? As all-in as you’ve been with her, I imagine you want it done right away.”

Rex nodded. “Yup. Let’s go.”


Doc could say that she had never been accepted into a group of females as quickly as the Ol’ Ladies did. They gave her shots, and immediately, they talked to her as if she had always been a part of them. And they were fun.

It amused Doc to watch the group of rough men attempt to keep their women off of tables or limit the number of drinks they had. They failed spectacularly, but each of them gave a good shot.

When Dragon stepped up next to Kisy’s chair and set a full glass of water in front of her, she shot him a glare. All it took was an eyebrow lift for Kisy to pick up the glass and drink it brattily. Yes, you can drink something with an attitude, and that woman proved it. The look Dragon gave her proved that he was going to enjoy spanking the brat out of her later. Game recognized game.

When Ruby and Gorgeous climbed onto the table to show them a pole dancing move, without a pole in sight, Doc was surprised a fire didn’t appear along the carpet by the quickness with which Axle and Rebel crossed the room. The other women booed them as they convinced their women to get down off the table.

Doc was enjoying her time with the women, but she missed her man. As if thinking about him called him forth, Rex stepped through the front door with Ginger. His ice-blue eyes scanned the room until they landed on her. He smiled and headed in her direction.

As Rex got closer to her, she saw a new tattoo peeking out from the neckline of his Henley on the left side. She stood when he reached her and lifted her hand. Pulling aside the Henley, she sawDocin a thick script covering his neck from shoulder to jawline, front to back. Under it was the hint of another tattoo, a black and gray line. She followed it forward, shoving aside his long beard, and saw that he also had a stethoscope tattooed as if it was hanging around his neck, except the two sides were tied together at the base of his throat. Instead of a chestpiece, there was a heart that looked like a locket with a keyhole.

Doc’s breath caught. He collared himself… for her. Her gaze lifted to meet his.

“I probably should have asked you first, but—”

She didn’t let him finish. She used the grip she had on his shirt to yank his head down, and then she kissed the hell out of him.

As the room erupted in catcalls and cheers, Rex gripped her hips and lifted. She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her wherever he planned to take her. Celebration or not, she needed to show her man exactly what she thought of the precious gift he had just given her.



Docdecidedshewasgoing to have to give Nevaeh a hell of a Christmas present. She had been watching the dogs for days, it seemed, while Doc had been wrapped up in Rex. The young woman hadn’t complained a bit, except for the fact that her aunts and uncles had made repeated stop-bys. Rex had to field calls about themobviously not trusting her as an adult to take care of her damn self.

As she listened to Rex try to calm his daughter down, Doc couldn’t help but grin. They had never planned to stay at the compound the night before, but after he showed up with a collar tattoo, Doc had tied him to his bed and hadn’t untied him until they were about to crash for the night.

Once he finally got off the phone, they made their way down to the cafeteria in the clubhouse and got breakfast. Halfway through their breakfast burritos, Gorgeous plopped down next to Rex and handed him a beautiful blond baby girl.

Rex immediately dropped his fork on his plate and grinned at the bundle. “Well, if it isn’t my little lady.” He gave her a raspberry on her cheek, which had the baby bubbling with laughter, her little pudgy fingers fisting in his beard. “Sorry, Doc, but Nugget here is the prettiest breakfast date I ever had.”

“No offense taken,” Doc replied through a quiet laugh. The man was adorable with the baby.

“She loves Uncle Rex,” Gorgeous said with a smile as she blew out a breath. “If it’s not Daddy or Uncle Trip, she wants Uncle Rex. I think it’s a beard thing. They don’t mind if she yanks and tugs.”

“Could also be the deep voices,” Doc told her.

Gorgeous nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

“You need me to watch her while you eat, Mama?” Rex tickled the baby’s side as he glanced over at Gorgeous.

She shook her head. “No, Axle made me pancakes hours ago. I tried to convince him to play Santa this year at the Christmas party, but he refused. Said something about Nugget getting confused.”

“Bullsh—” Rex smiled at Nugget. “Hogwash.” The baby giggled and cooed.

“Rex will do it, won’t ya, Rex?” Doc gave him a look that said he wouldn’t like what would happen if he refused.