Page 76 of Rex's Release

Rex looked at her around the baby and just stared for a long moment. “Me?”

Two of the prospects sat down in chairs next to Doc. She met them the day before and had been informed they were Rebel’s cousins by Ruby.

“Yeah, Rex,” Ryker said.

“You’d be a great Santa,” Ross commented with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Doc saw Lucifer, another prospect and mate to the president of the Tiger’s Claw MC, head their way, stop, and walk away.

Rex’s gaze shifted over to the twins, and his eyes narrowed. “If I’m being Santa, I guess you boys better find some tights, since youwillbe the elves.” The twins started to object, but Rex shook his head. “And they better be green and white striped. Oh… and don’t forget those shoes with the bells.”

Doc and Gorgeous locked eyes a second before they both busted out with laughter.


Rex had a hard time not laughing at the way the twin prospects’ shoes jingled with every step they took as the two of them followed him into the clubhouse on Christmas day. Ross and Ryker thought they were funny egging Doc on about ordering him to do this. Sure, he could have refused, and Doc probably wouldn’t have done much, but he didn’t really want to find out if that was true.

Since the two wanted to be involved with the talk, they could be involved with the event. They were adorable elves in their green and white striped tights, green smocks, and hats, but Rex’s favorite were the shoes.

When they stepped into the cafeteria room of the clubhouse, Rex saw that the Ol’ Ladies and his brothers went overboard. It didn’t even look like the same room. Instead, Rex could have sworn they’d stepped into Santa’s actual house. It was awesome.

The kids were sitting on the floor in a semi-circle around a large rocking chair, but they all started bouncing with excitement when they saw him. Well, at least the little ones were.

He knew Gorgeous was expecting him to sit in that chair and hand out presents from the large bag he was carrying, and he would, but first, they needed Uncle Rex’s Christmas gifts.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” He tried to sound completely different than he normally did for the sake of the young kids, but he wasn’t sure he pulled it off.

“Merry Christmas,” the kids and some of the adults who were on the other side of the room called back.

“We will get to Santa’s presents in a few minutes.” He set the bag down next to the rocking chair. “But first, your Uncle Rex had to run an errand. He asked me to make sure you all received your presents from him. So, grab the hand of one of your parents and head out to the parking lot.”

The kids jumped up, except for the two babies, Nugget and Cane, who were being carried by Avery and Levi, Top and Ginger’s oldest children. He ignored the curious and accusatory looks from their parents as the children dragged them from the room.

Axle followed them, glaring at him, asking, “What did you do?”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t me. It was Rex.” Then he grinned.

Rex trailed along at the back of the group as everyone made their way outside. He was halfway across the main room of the clubhouse when he started hearing the screams of joy from his nieces and nephews.

When he stepped outside, he was circled and confronted by their parents.

“You bought them dirt bikes?” Rock growled. “They have two at the house.”

“But they had to share.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “And I didn’t do it, remember? I’m Santa.”

“What in the hell is Nugget going to do with a dirt bike?” Axle asked, pissed off.

Rex rolled his eyes. “Cane and Nugget’s are walkers, Prez. Go look.”

Ignoring the rest of the parents, Rex’s eyes locked on Doc’s SUV as it pulled up to the curb and she climbed out. He maneuvered his way through the crowd and over to her. He stopped a few feet away and smiled at her. “I would kiss you, but it might scar the children if they saw Santa lay one on their Aunt Doc.”

“That sounds so weird,” she said with a laugh. “Where’s Nevaeh? I have a present for her.”

“Right here,” his daughter said brightly as she jogged over, having already been heading in their direction.

Doc pulled an envelope out of the bag she had strapped over her shoulder. “Merry Christmas.”

Nevaeh took it and smiled, but looked confused. She opened the envelope and pulled out a stack of papers. After reading them for a moment, her eyes went wide. “You… You’re keeping him?!”