I rest my phone down on the table and look up to see Jared making his way in. His shirt is still damp from the rain and clinging to his defined chest. Suddenly I don’t feel so tired and rush to him as he enters. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his soft lips.
“Mmm. I really like being greeted this way,” he says with a throaty moan.
My cheeks flush as my stomach growls. “About dinner. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m beat, so Beth and Shane are getting all of us tacos from The Happy Avocado and making their way here.”
Jared leans into me. “That sounds perfect.” He pauses and looks away then back at me. I give him a questionable glance thinking something isn’t right.
“How did your meeting with HR go?”
“It was fine. I made my statement which at this point is just a formality. I also recommended that we keep David on.”
I look at him, still not convinced that’s all he has to say. “Jared, what’s going on? You seem uneasy.”
He tucks my hair behind my ear, his touch sending whole body shivers through me. “Lacey, I hope you don’t think it’s too much too soon, but I cancelled my meetings for tomorrow. I thought we could have brunch then take a ride through the mountains."
"That sounds like a great idea. I can't wait."
He stares at me intently and then says, "That's not all. I made reservations for dinner tomorrow with my family, and I really want you to come.”
My stomach puts itself in a knot. I do want to have dinner with his family. I haven’t even thought of thewordfamily is such a long time. Being the only child of a single mom who was also an only child, holidays and gatherings were small to say the least. Spending any amount of time with Jared and his family that I know he loves gives me a giddy feeling.
“You realize, I’ve already met your sister and your dad right?”
Jared moves his hands to my hips. “Oh, I’m aware, and they have been pestering me about you since they met you. And my mom is going to adore you. But that’s no surprise, you’re an easy sell.”
I smack his arm. “Oh, so I’m some project you need to pitch?” I say jokingly.
“You are definitely not a project. You’re my girlfriend, and I want everyone to know it.”
I kiss him gently when I hear the door open. Shane and Beth have their hands full, so I run over to help them.
“You guys, how many tacos did you get?”
Beth laughs. “Well, Shane insisted on getting extra chips, guacamole and salsa, so two of the bags are just those things.”
I place everything on the table, and we all dive in like we haven’t eaten in days. We talk and laugh, but the best sight is watching Jared have a permanent smile on his face the entire time. I lean my head on his shoulder as he rubs my back. Beth looks up and gives me a smile. There’s something about the four of us being here together at this moment that makes me feel like this is exactly how it’s supposed to be, and if this is a sign of the future to come, I am going to be one very lucky woman.
It’sbeensobusyat the bakery the last few weeks and I’m starting to feel it. Maybe it’s just the July heat of southern Utah, but I swear my body temperature feels hotter than the sun. I’ve been awake since five a.m. going through all the orders we need to fulfill and it’s more than I bargained for. After signing contracts with several restaurants in the area for bread deliveries our revenue has taken a dramatic upturn. I have Ashley working double the hours she used to, and Beth and I have even considered leasing the extra space next to us. I’m also trying to keep Beth as stress free as possible. Her and Shane are getting married in less than three months, and being her matron of honor it’s my duty to help as much as I can.
When Jared and I married last fall, Beth and Shane were amazing, and Jared and I are doing our best to reciprocate. Beth took it all in stride when I moved out and moved in with Jared. Now she’s permanently packing up her things in the apartment and getting ready to move in with Shane in the house they just bought. The best thing about their new house is that it’s ten minutes from me and Jared. Total score in my book.
I head in the back to check on our flour supply. Ashley is busy taking fresh brownies from the oven and the smell of all the chocolate is overwhelming. I head back out to the front and pour myself some water and sit at an empty table. I hear my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out to see a text from Beth.
Beth: Hey…do you want the little pink elephant planter?
I can’t help but smile. The little pink elephant planter was something we purchased at a flea market years ago. We were trying to find some cool and chic accessories for what was then our new apartment. The planter was just the right size so we took it home and planted a tiny Christmas cactus. When I moved in with Jared, I took all my personal things, but I left all the items that felt like they belonged to both of us. The planter being one of them.
Me: Yes I’ll take it if you don’t want it!
Beth: Ok. I’ll put it aside.
Me: How are things? Do you need help?