Beth: No. I’m ok.

I see more bubbles. Then they stop. I can sense something is going on with her, so I text back not even asking a question.

Me: Why don’t I come by for a few and help you pack.

A minute goes by with nothing, so I get up, my back aching and my stomach feeling miserable. This heat is really getting to me.

“Hey Ashley? Are you good for a few hours by yourself?” I ask into the air as I can’t see where she is at the moment.

I glance behind the counter and see Ashley emerge from the back. “Yeah, I’m good. Everything okay?”

I shrug. “Yeah, I’m just going to go help Beth pack. I think she’s feeling stressed with moving and the wedding.”

“Sounds good. Tell her hi for me!”

I nod to Ashley grabbing my bag when my phone buzzes again.

Beth: Yeah. That would be good.

As I climb the few flights of stairs to the apartment, I stop on the landing slightly out of breath. I pause and inhale. I should really drink more water in this heat. I continue up the last few stairs and knock on the door. I’m not sure why I knock seeing as I still have a key, but at this point, it’s Beth’s apartment not ours.

She flings the door open, and tears are coming from her eyes. I hesitate for a second then burst through the doorway, shut the door, and pull her into an embrace.

“Beth, what’s going on?”

“Nothing. I mean, I can’t wait to marry Shane. And I love our new house. But this is it. Like you and I will never be in this apartment again.”

The truth hits me in the gut. I hadn’t really considered that once Beth moves that I’d never see the apartment again. My eyes start to get glassy, but I fight back the tears.

“I know. But it’s all for good reasons, right?”

Beth nods and wipes her nose with her hand. “Yeah, it is. We just have so many memories here.”

I feel a cramp in my side and quickly sit at the dining table. I really hope I’m not getting the dreadful summer flu.

“Lace are you okay?”

“Yeah, I think I’m just dehydrated and tired. But I’m fine.”

Beth goes into the kitchen and then hands me a bottle of water. I open the bottle and take two small sips letting it cool the back of my throat. Then without warning as it hits my stomach a pang of nausea hits me. I grimace as I put the cap back on the bottle.

“Lace you’re not fine. How long have you been feeling like this?”

I pause and think back. “A few weeks maybe?”

“Weeks? Lace that’s not good. Tell me your symptoms.”

I take a deep breath and tell her about my fatigue, feeling hot all the time, and the recent nausea spells. When I finish I look at Beth. Her eyes are wide a small smile is forming on her lips as I continue to stare.

“Um, have you considered you might be pregnant?” She asks me while grabbing my hand across the table.

Suddenly my heart races. No, I haven’t considered it. I’m still on the pill, so I don’t even see how that’s possible. “No…I mean I’m on the pill.”

Beth’s eyebrows perch. “Well sometimes it’s not foolproof. Oh my god, can you do a pregnancy test here? Now? Please!”

“Beth, I doubt I am, and I don’t feel like going out to get one.”

Beth lurches up from the table running down the hall. I see her fly into the bathroom then emerge and make her way back to me. “You don’t have to. I have one.”