“Yeah. Well, no. I mean I’m not sure.”
Rachel comes closer and grabs my arm and leads me into the kitchen. “Sit.”
I glance around expecting to see Max and Sara knowing that school has ended for the day. “Where are the kids?”
Rachel hands me a bottle of water. “Mom and Dad have Max and Sara for dinner and Danielle is napping. Jared. What’s going on? You’re all sweaty.”
I take a sip of water enjoying the coolness filling my belly. “I just got off a flight. Work trip. It’s been a rough forty-eight hours.”
Rachel sits across from me and reaches her hand out. “Spill it Jared.”
I appreciate my sister’s no-nonsense attitude. Even as a kid she was always blunt and told everyone exactly how she felt. There were never any filters, it was just pure Rachel all the time. I shut my eyes briefly then open them. I have nothing to lose in telling her everything.
I tell her about all the dates with Lacey, my anxiety attacks, me pushing for her to be a team leader, the grant and the most recent events. It all sounds like a movie plot, and I’m even still trying to process it when Rachel lets out a snorted laugh.
“Rach I find it hard to believe you think this is funny.”
“You’re right it’s not. I’m sorry. It’s just. You’re making this complicated. It doesn’t need to be.”
I shake my head. “What are you talking about?”
“Jared. You love her. It’s obvious. So tell her. Be with her. All this other stuff will work itself out.”
I lean back in the chair and cross my arms. “You think it’s that easy? And I’m pretty sure I didn’t say I was in love with her.”
Rachel reaches across the table and uncrosses my arms. “Stop being so stubborn Jared. You don’t have to say it. I can tell by looking at you when you talk about her. Take the jump. Tell her your feelings. She can’t read your mind Jared, and if you want to see her again, which clearly you do, you need to come clean with her.”
Rachel’s words hit me hard. I know Lacey and I have chemistry. I know she’s on my mind more than any other woman. I know she makes me laugh. I know we have similar tastes in music. I know I really like her cookies. Dammit. I now know I’m an idiot. I rub my hand over my mouth as I stand up.
“Rach, I gotta go. Thanks for this.”
“Anything for my big brother.”
I start to take larger steps than normal to the door when I hear Rachel call out to me, “Hey, you owe me one! Can’t wait to see her at the next family dinner!”
I smile to myself. I can only hope I won’t be alone for the next family dinner.
Chapter twenty-five
I’m standing on the side of the building in a hoodie with the hood over my head. If it wasn’t raining, I’m sure I’d look suspicious. I’m making my best effort to stay out of view because I can’t possibly tolerate any more glares or unwanted comments. Finally, after ten minutes I see David step out on the sidewalk, so I walk to catch up to him.
“David,” I call out hoping my voice doesn’t draw any unwanted attention.
David turns and as I pull down my hood so he can see it’s me, he pauses. I walk closer to him, “David. I know what you did. I’m upset about it, but I really just want to know why you did it.”
David grabs my arm and pulls me under the overhang on the opposite side of the building. “Lacey. Look, I’m sorry. Truly I am. I just…ugh, well I was jealous. I didn’t like that you and Mr. Whitmore were working so closely. And even though I suspected there was more going on, I really didn’t care—it wasn’t my business, but when he and Shane were impressed by your reports it just struck a nerve in me. I’m used to being the person they rely on.”
David’s voice sounds sincere but I look down because I can’t look him in the eyes when I ask, “How’d you even get the picture?”
David frowns. “I go to that restaurant all the time. I live two blocks from it. I just happened to spot you two through the window and I snapped a picture with my phone. Lacey, I wasn’t spying on you, please believe me.”
“I believe you,” I say, but still, I somehow feel violated and more hurt than anything else.
“David, I handed in my resignation, which I’m sure you know. I do appreciate you giving me that job. I learned a lot and if anything, it’s made me more confident in my abilities. I know I’m good at what I do.”
David gives me a small smile. “Lacey, you are great with numbers, and I was impressed with you from day one.”