“Beth, I had to do it. If you saw everyone looking at me, it was just awful.”

“Lace I’m sure. I get it. What about Jared?”

I stare at my iced coffee as the ice melts turning its dark color into a shade of caramel. “Jared? I mean, I know he’ll handle this, and with me out of the way it should be easier for him.”

Beth shakes her head. “No that’s not what I mean. You may have quit your job, but have you quit Jared?”

I put my head down on the table then spring right back up. “Beth, I don’t think there was going to be anything with Jared. We had chemistry, but he just won’t let me in. He’s built up a wall that I’m not sure I can break. If he was unsure of me before this whole situation, this I’m sure has made it worse. Not to mention, he also lied to me. He didn’t admit that he was the one who pushed me for the team leader position and then he didn’t tell me about his dad’s foundation.” I swallow fighting back my tears. “I’m not sure I want to be with someone who can’t be honest.”

I rest my head in my hands then notice Beth looking over my shoulder out to the main street. “What?” I say turning to see what she’s looking at. My eyes suddenly rest on Shane exiting his car and walking towards the bakery. I can not possibly handle any more bad news today.

“Did you know he was coming?” I ask Beth.

“No. I mean not now. He usually stops by after dinner,” Beth says as she stands to greet Shane.

Shane gives Beth a hug and kisses her on the lips. Even amongst all the chaos I notice how much they complement each other. He’s a few inches taller than Beth and when they hug it’s like they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. I am happy for them even if my life is in complete shambles.

“Lacey, hey,” Shane says softly to me as he takes a few steps forward. His cautious approach makes me feel like I’m a wounded animal.

“Hey Shane. Look, if there’s more bad news, I’m not sure I can handle it right now,” I say in one exasperated breath.

“Lacey, IT found the source of the email and picture.”

Those were not the words I was expecting to hear. I imagined Shane coming to tell me everything was going to be okay, or that he talked to Jared or that putting in my resignation was the right thing to do, but not this.

I lift my eyebrows. The unspoken question written on my face.

“It was David.”

My mouth opens. “What? Are you sure?”

“Yes. Positive. IT traced it down through some dark web IP address.”

“But why would he do that?” I say out loud not directing my question at anyone but rather into the empty space in front of me.

“Lacey, that’s not all. I confronted him, and he admitted to messing with your report and changing the numbers.”

I feel a sudden wave of anger fill my gut. “Are you kidding me right now Shane?”

“No. He seems remorseful, but I brought all this to HR. Jared just landed a few minutes ago. I called and told him everything too.”

I stand up knocking my chair over in the process and grab my bag. I look at Beth, “I’ll be back later.”

“Wait! Where are you going?”

“To get some answers.”

Chapter twenty-four


I’m sure the guy sitting next to me thought I was in some sort of existential crisis as my leg kept dancing up and down. His thought wouldn’t be that far off either. Luckily, I was seated at the front of the plane and was able to grab my carry-on and get off the plane fast. Shane called me to give me an update on everything. To say I was surprised is an understatement. Then I read a text from Lacey telling me she handed in her resignation. I did not want this to turn out this way.

As I pull to a stop at a redlight my neck stiffens as I feel sweat slide down underneath my shirt. I pull off my jacket and throw it in the back. I look in the rearview mirror and see droplets forming above my eyebrows and I quickly grab a napkin from the glovebox to wipe my face. I have to get myself together. I continue down the road to the office when I realize I can’t be there right now, my mind isn’t ready for any of this. I take a quick right turn, then another. Within a few minutes I’m in Rachel’s driveway. Her car is parked outside and a small sense of relief washes over me.

I climb up her steps and enter without knocking. I rush in the front door and call for her, “Rach, are you here?”

Within seconds I see her emerge from the kitchen area, “Jared. Are you okay?”