Shane and I have never been the type of friends to share details of our relationships, but I think this situation warrants some additional input. “The kiss was incredible. Lacey seemed very into it. But I stopped it.”

Shane looks confused and puts his hands up. “Wait. You stopped it? Why?”

“Shane, I can’t do this. She’s an employee. I’m the CEO. It would cause all sorts of issues.”

Shane sits in the chair at the front of my desk. “Jared, you know there are ways to do this right. Work wise. Sure it could cause a little talk at first, but just like anything else it will fizzle and you guys could date. I’m guessing there’s something else going on?”

I tap my hand on my desk. “I am not dateable Shane. I’m in a relationship already. With my job. I have anxiety when it comes to dating. And…I just don’t think I want…” I trail off not sure where I’m going with this.

“Don’t think you want what Jared? To be with someone who actually might be interested in you foryou? Someone who gives you a sense of calm? You’re not making sense right now.”

“No, I don’t want to be rejected.” There I said it. It felt like fire coming out of my mouth but it’s out there now.

Shane pauses. I can tell he’s surprised. “Jared, Lacey isn’t Chrissie.”

I nod. I know he’s right. But even if Lacey is interested in me now, who’s to say she still will be after we get to know each other. Likereallyknow each other. My work travel schedule, the functions, the late-night meetings can be a lot to handle. My life is just easier if I’m on my own.

I see Shane glance at the clock. We need to head down to the conference room to meet with David and Lacey about this project. I want to see Lacey, but I know this is going to be awkward.

“We need to go meet with Lacey and David. Let’s just talk about this later,” Shane says to me as he stands.

“There’s nothing more to say anyway.”

Shane gives me a look. “Right. Okay. Let’s go.”

When we get to the conference room David and Lacey are already sitting at the table. Lacey doesn’t look up at me when I enter the room. She’s putting off an icy air and I can’t say I blame her.

We go over the next steps for the new project now that we have some investors onboard. Lacey takes notes the entire time never looking at me once. She makes eye contact with Shane a few times, and asks questions directed to Shane and David. She’s purposefully ignoring me, and I don’t like it at all. I resist the urge to ask her anything directly. We adjourn the meeting and Lacey is the first one up and out the door without even a glance in my direction. I know she’s upset, but this behavior isn’t what I was expecting.

I head back to my office feeling annoyed. I’m not sure what do in this situation. I created it, so I need to fix it. I stare at my laptop when my desk phone buzzes. It’s Diane.

“Hi Diane. What can I do for you?” I ask rushing my words. I adore Diane, but right now I don’t want to deal with anything.

“Mr. Whitmore, Lacey Paxton is here looking to meet with you. Regarding the project.”

I hold my breath for a second. I guess her coming to see me about anything at this point is better than not talking to me at all. “Sure. Send her in Diane.”

Within seconds I hear a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I say, my voice cracking.

Lacey enters and shuts the door behind her. My eyes rove over her soaking in her beauty. Her blazer fits her like a glove. The pencil skirt she’s wearing highlights her hips in the most magical way possible. Her v-neck blouse showcases the freckles on her neck. This woman has no idea what she does to me. I make my way up to her eyes and they’re looking as big as ever and I can tell there’s anger behind them.

“Lacey, nice to see you. What brings you by?” The words come out before I can take them back. I know why she’s here and I’m guessing my question is just going to upset her more.

“Mr. Whitmore.”

Her voice is cool and calm. The tension is building with just those words, but I don’t say anything, giving her the opportunity to continue.

“I realize what happened with us was unexpected. I won’t ignore it though, and the fact that you’re ignoring me is not okay.”


“I’m not done.”

I can see something flick behind her eyes. There’s anger for sure, and some hurt, but there’s also fire and it’s heating up my chest as I watch her pace my office.

“Pretending like nothing happened won’t fix this. We need to talk about it. Why would you kiss me if you were planning on just ignoring me?”