The question throws me, and a surge of annoyance ripples up my spine. I stand from behind my desk and make my way a little closer to her so I can stand in front of her looking her in the eyes.

“Ignoringyou? Did we not just sit through an hour-long meeting, and you not once make eye contact with me? You barely acknowledged my presence, Lacey. The iciness coming from you could have cooled down this whole building.” My tone comes out harsher than I expected, and I can see her chest start to heave with fast breaths.

“You are unreal Mr.---”

I don’t want her to finish her sentence. I step closer to her as heat runs its course up through my legs and into my head. I grab for her arm and pull her to me. I look down and see her eyes soften, so I reach behind her neck and gently pull her mouth to mine. She lets out a light moan that heightens all my senses. I walk her over to my desk never parting my lips from hers and grab her hips and place her on top of the desk. I start kissing her jawline then her neck. Her legs wrap around my waist, and I am about to lose it. I kiss her deeply letting my hands get tangled in her wavy hair. I feel her hand find its way under my shirt and press against my back. I’m about ready to push her blazer off her shoulders so I can kiss them when I hear my desk phone buzz. Lacey stops and places her hands on my chest.

“You better get that,” she says in a breathy whisper.

I let my breathing settle for a second then press the speaker button on the phone.

“Yes, Diane?”

“Mr. Whitmore- you have a call from one of the investors on line two.”

“Thank you Diane. Put him on hold for one second and I’ll take it in a minute.”

Lacey hops off my desk and runs her hands down her skirt. She’s still catching her breath and I’m enjoying the fact that I’m part of the reason.

She gives me a soft smile. “I would say that shows you I’m not ignoring you.”

I grin as I tuck my shirt back in. “I think I can say the same Miss Paxton.”

Chapter fifteen


It’s been a whirlwind of a week and after kissing Jared in his office I’m on emotional overload. We still haven’t figured out how to navigate work and dating. We agreed that it’s very new and not at a point where we need to disclose anything to HR. We’ve only been texting each other and haven’t even gone on a real date yet. There’s so much going on with work and the bakery I don’t have much time to even consider if dating Jared is a good idea.

I hear my laptop chime and see a new email. Shane has been emailing David and I with all sorts of requests for the new project. It’s overwhelming but a good challenge. Today he’s requesting that I rework some numbers assuming a new investor jumps onboard. I know that he and Jared are strategizing about how much they’re going to need versus how much they’re going to ask for to get this project one hundred percent funded. It’s a math game and I’m the one doing all the math.

I open up my spreadsheet and start looking at the most recent data. I start a new column, enter in my formulas and begin the slow process of figuring out this latest request when I look up to see David enter my office.

“Hey Lacey. Did you see the latest email from Shane?”

“Yup. I’m starting on it right now actually.”

David’s tone sounds like he’s questioning my ability. He has been a little aloof the past few days, but I know he has a lot going on too. I try to ignore it, but he continues to stand in my doorway.

“Is there something else David?” I ask hoping there’s not.

“Um, no. Not really. It just seems like you’re getting a lot of specific requests for things. I can work these figures too. I’m used to fielding these requests, and I know how they like to see the data.”

I don’t need David’s insecurities now, but I smile and say, “Oh, well, I’m sure they’re just asking me because they figure I have some more time to give since I’m still somewhat new. I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ll come to you if I have questions.”

David nods at me and exits my office. I’m feeling relieved as he leaves when my phone rings. It’s a number I don’t recognize so I swipe.

“Hello, this is Lacey.”

“Hi Miss Paxton? I’m calling regarding your grant proposal for Baked and Sugared?”

My heart jumps to my throat. In all the work chaos I completely forgot about the proposal I submitted.

“Right yes. Did I get it in on time?”

“Yes. Yes you did. I’m calling to tell you that you have been awarded the money. The full amount asked for.”

I almost drop my phone. I lean over my desk making sure I heard the woman on the other line correctly.