Page 100 of Dirty Legend

"How about we get through your wedding and her birth, and then we'll see what happens, okay?" she said, turning my words around on me.


She shifted on her feet. "What do you want to do tonight?"

I shielded my eyes from the sun as it popped out from behind a cloud. "What are the guys up to?"

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Probably getting drunk. Outside of that, I have no idea. I know Zen and True both said no strip club even if Maddox was pushing pretty hard for it. Jericho would be another no. Gray and Harrison would probably tie the vote. If I had to guess? I'd say whiskey and poker or video games."

I wrinkled my nose. "Sounds horrible."

"For sure."

"How about we do a sleepover? Takeout, junk food, makeovers, gossip. You know, the things I always heard about but never actually got to do."

Kennedy brightened. "I never did them, either, but that sounds like fun. I'll text Montana and Rebecca." She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen, her nails repeatedly clicking until she stuck it back in her pocket. "They'll be here around six."

Clapping my hands together, I couldn't stop the smile taking over my face. "I'm so excited." I pulled my own phone out of my pocket to text True. Ever since this whole Lexi thing, we hated being away from each other.

Amara: I hope you're having fun with your boys. The girls and I are having a sleepover. I can't wait to see you tomorrow, missing you already.

True: The boys are fun, but they're not you. Now I'll be picturing you in lingerie having pillow fights all night. Instant hard-on.

Amara: If you sneak in, I promise I won't tell.

True: You're killing me.

Amara: You love it.

True: I do, and I love you. Tomorrow you're mine.

Amara: I'm already yours.

True: Officially.

Amara: See you tomorrow.

True: Can't wait. Xo

"What put that huge grin on your face?" Kennedy watched me intently.

"True." I sighed dreamily. He still made me feel all fuzzy inside every time I so much as thought about him. And when he walked into the room? I was a goner. Every. Single. Time.

"Damn, and I thought I had it bad."

I scoffed. "Youdohave it bad. You and Zen are ridiculous."

She held out her hand. "Pot, meet kettle."

Shaking my head, I pushed off the railing and moved toward the stairs leading to the beach, kicking off my shoes. "Want to take a walk with me before the girls get here?"

Kennedy followed, slipping out of her flats. "Duh. I'd never turn down a walk on the beach."

* * *

I settledon the couch with a fancy mocktail in one hand, my other resting on my stomach, feeling my daughter somersaulting her way through my abdomen. Montana plopped down beside me, her own hands filled with a not-so mocktail.

"You've really never done the whole slumber party thing?" She gestured to the floor in front of us where Kennedy and Rebecca were busy piling pillows and blankets.