Page 101 of Dirty Legend

Shaking my head, I winced as little P jabbed what may have been her foot into my ribs. "No, never."

Montana looked dubiously down at my huge stomach. "Think you can manage sitting on the floor for a couple of hours?"

I shrugged. "I'll probably need help getting down there and even more help to get up, but I'm not about to miss out."

Rebecca clapped her hands. "What are we doing first? Movie or game?"

We all looked at each other, and Kennedy smiled wickedly. "Truth or dare."

"Okay, someone help me down." I set my glass on the table beside me and held out my hands. Montana jumped up and helped pull me to my feet. Feet I could no longer see, I might add. I held onto her hand, and she helped me lower myself to the ground. This moving around business was a whole hell of a lot more difficult being hugely pregnant.

I settled myself on a pillow and got as comfortable as I could. The girls found their own spots around me, Kennedy settling in last with her arms full of snacks. Grabbing a handful of popcorn, I tossed a piece in my mouth. "Who's going first?"

Montana perked up. "Kennedy, truth or dare?"

Kennedy tapped her fingers on the glass she'd picked up and bit her lip. "Truth."

Montana's green eyes glinted. "Why don't you want to have a baby with Zen?"

Kennedy sucked in a sharp breath and glanced down into her glass. "Damn, going straight for the jugular, huh?"

Montana raised her glass as if to toast before laughing. "You know subtlety isn't my style."

Rebecca shot Montana a side-eye. "You don't have to answer that."

"Yes, she does. That's the game."

I played with the ends of my hair, considering. "Out with it, Ken."

She sighed. "Idowant to have a baby. More than anything, actually. I'm just scared. You guys know how I get in my own head, and every possible worst-case scenario that could happen plays out, and I get all twisted up and freaked out? That's what's happening. He's really patient with me, which I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes I need a push."

Rebecca leaned closer to Kennedy and grabbed her hand. "As the only woman here who has kids and has raised them, trust me when I say you never feel ready, but when it happens, it still feels scary, but somehow it also feels perfect. Whatever you decide, it'll be great."

Kennedy sniffled a little and took a sip of her drink, blinking her eyes rapidly. "Okay, moving on. Amara," she turned her gaze on me. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I hoped I wouldn't regret my choice, but based on the looks the girls were giving me, a mix of excitement and mischievousness, I didn't have high hopes that this would go well for me.

"I dare you to let us take a sexy boudoir-style picture of you and send it to True to drive him crazy tonight." All three of them clinked glasses, proud of themselves for what they all no doubt had planned ahead of time and thought was a genius idea. I knew True thought my body was sexy now, he couldn't get enough of me. He made me feel beautiful and worshipped every single one of my curves. But the idea of taking a photo? I didn't know if I wanted the evidence of every imperfection on display.

It didn't really matter, though. It was too late now. My shoulders sagged. "Fiiine. Where are we doing this?"

Montana jumped up and ran into the other room before coming back with a bag in her hands. I groaned. "You guys planned ahead for this? Shit."

Kennedy laughed. "You know it. Now go change." She pulled me up off the floor and then handed me the bag. I peeked inside and saw black lace peeking back out at me, and I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

Stepping inside the bathroom, I gingerly pulled the scraps of fabric out of the bag, trying to figure out how the hell I was going to get this on myself. It was strappy and lacey and True had to help me get dressed in anything other than a dress lately.

I cracked open the door. "One of you better get in here and help me into this thing."

Giggles erupted in the living room, and I rolled my eyes before Kennedy pushed her way into the bathroom. "I didn't think you'd want your future mother in law all up in this." She gestured to my body.

Shuddering, I started to pull my dress over my head. "Yeah, I haven't lost all of my dignity just yet. But I have no idea how the hell I'm going to get this thing on."

Kennedy studied the piece of fabric that was passing as lingerie, turning it around in her hands. "I think your leg goes here." She pointed to a strap that could have honestly been for any part of me. She kneeled down and then held it up for me to step into. I did and then repeated the process on the other side. Finally, she pulled it up, and I slipped my arms in.

She glanced down at my chest. "Probably gonna want to adjust those." She bit her lip to keep from laughing, but her eyes were dancing, damn her. I was going to pay her back for this when it was her turn. I looked down and wasn't surprised to find this thing didn't hold my boobs inat all.

Scrunching my nose up, I reached down and did my best to cover myself, but I was sure it was in vain. I sighed and dropped my hands, turning to look at myself in the mirror. I had to admit, I looked pretty hot. As uncomfortable as the lace apparatus was, it looked sexy. I was starting to see what my girls had in mind when they suggested this.