A single tear ran down her cheek, but I wasn't done yet. "You're the most extraordinary person I've ever met. When I had to spend time away from you, it nearly killed me. I want the world to know you're mine. I don't want to hide you and my daughter. I love you, and I want to grow old with you by my side, raising our children and loving each other until my last breath. Will you make my dreams come true? Will you be my wife?"
She covered her face with her hand, and I started to freak out a little bit. Not discussing this with her beforehand, so I knew where her head was at was fucking with my confidence. I held my breath and waited for her to take in my words. I meant every single one to the very depths of my soul.
She lowered her hand, and I swear it happened in slow motion. She threw herself against me, and I nearly lost my balance. She grabbed my face and kissed me a thousand times, between every brush of her lips, she whispered the word, "Yes." My chest felt like it might explode with happiness. I wanted to laugh and cry and fuck her senseless all at the same time.
I wore a huge grin as I pulled back from her assault. "Are you sure?"
"YES!" She yelled before pressing her lips to mine.
This had officially become the best day of my life. Amara had agreed to be my wife, and soon the world would know just how much she meant to me.
If I weren't marrying the love of my life, these past five weeks would have been entirely unbearable. At least I'd been able to look forward to the wedding.
Lexi had continued her relentless assault on True's character in the media. Every day he refused to give in to her ridiculous demands, she did another interview or published another so-called pregnancy update. Whether or not she was actually expecting was anyone's guess, but she sure made it look convincing.
When True first asked me to marry him, I didn't even think about it. I wanted him to be my husband, to wake up next to him every day for the rest of my life. It was a no-brainer. Despite the fact I hadn't wanted to go public with our relationship, I didn't want to let my fear take a future with True away from me.
He and I both deserved everything we wanted, and I wasn't going to let some unknown potential futurethingkeep me from becoming his. My only hesitation now was what it meant for our daughter when she was born.
Would she be threatened every time we left the house with photographers in her face and people clamoring to get a picture of her? Or would it be no big deal? At this point, I was leaning toward the first one because the number of photographers that followed True wherever he went was piling up by the day.
He'd been trying his best to take it all in stride, but last week when paparazzi followed him to the beach, and he couldn't even surf in peace, he'd gotten angry, and I had to call Zen to come to take him to blow off some steam at the gym.
I knew people calling him a deadbeat dad and harassing him about how he supposedly knocked up Lexi and then dumped her was really getting to him, but he tried not to show it. He still wore his easy smile around me, even if it didn't quite reach his eyes anymore.
Throughout all of this, our friends had been a constant presence, always around for whatever we needed. My girlfriends helped me with the wedding planning, and either Maddox or Zen had gone with True for every promotional meeting or event he had over the last month. I'd never felt surrounded by more love in my life.
Tomorrow we get married. Neither of us wanted to wait anymore. We both felt ready to be bound to each other in every way possible. Since our wedding would be at Zen and Kennedy's house, or more specifically the private stretch of beach behind it, tomorrow at sunset, I'd spend tonight at their house.
I hate the idea of sleeping by myself, but I refuse to chance cursing our future with bad luck, even if I don't normally believe in that sort of thing. Still, it seemed like fate had a hand in bringing us together, and I didn't want to tempt it.
After hanging my dress up in the closet of the guest room, Kennedy declared as mine, I walked slowly down the stairs. Moving around with a giant belly wasn't easy, and my steps were more waddle than walk these days. I still had ten weeks to go until little P would be born, and I had absolutely no idea where I was going to fit any more of her in my body.
I also didn't know how I'd sleep tonight without True. The only way I could comfortably sleep anymore was by using him as my human body pillow, so I was in for a rough night.
I spotted Kennedy out on the patio, staring out at the waves, and I stepped up next to her, leaning against the railing. She glanced over at me. "Are you sure you want to do this here? You could wait until after the baby is born and fly off somewhere."
I shook my head. "I don't want to wait anymore. Plus, I want me and the baby to have True's last name when she comes."
"As long as you're sure, I'll support you in whatever you want."
I pulled her in for a half-hug, as much as my stomach would allow.
She laughed and rubbed my belly. "This is amazing. It's so crazy watching her move around in there."
I sighed wistfully. "I know. It's the part I'll miss most once she's born, so I'm trying to appreciate every minute of it because I don't want to ever forget."
"You could always have more."
"Let's get through this one first and see. Zen told me once True wanted like six kids, so I'm hoping he won't want to do the whole Irish twin thing."
She laughed. "Mmhmm."
"Speaking of babies, how about you? It's not a secret Zen wants you pregnant like last week."
Kennedy bit her lip. "I know, and I'm coming around to the idea."
I grinned. "You should probably get on that. Little P needs a cousin close in age to grow up with."