Page 8 of Dirty Legend

“Who was in the dream with you?”

I had caramel-colored skin, so I didn’t really blush, but my cheeks still felt hot. God, this was embarrassing. I shifted my eyes downward and mumbled, “True.”

“What was that?” Kennedy sing-songed. Damn her.

“True, okay? It makes sense, considering he’s the only guy I’ve ever seen naked before. I don’t have much else to go on.”

She giggled, her eyes sparkling. “I love this so much. I know it sucks for you right now, but I’m so happy.”

“I’m glad I could provide you some entertainment,” I grumbled.

“You know it’s not like that. I’ve just seen how he looks at you. You’ll see. Everything’s going to work out. True’s actually a good guy down deep. Not as deep down as Maddox thankfully. You’d need an industrial drill to get to the sweet side of Maddox.”

I was glad she had more faith in me than I did. I’d need her support if I was going to actually do this. Plus, she was right. True was a good guy.

I groaned. “How am I going to tell him, Ken? This is so messed up.”

She shifted her eyes away from me and started to play with her hair. That was her tell. When she was nervous to tell me something, she always played with her hair. “Spit it out, Kennedy.”

She sighed, her shoulders slumping. “Z told him you were here and that if you didn’t call him by this morning, he should come by because you needed to talk.”

I rubbed my eyes. “Please tell me he didn’t. This is a joke, right?”

“Nope, sorry, babe. If it makes you feel better, I was furious and withheld sex from him last night.”

Fuck. My. Life.

As if this was a movie and not my life, just then, the front door swung open, and I knew. I knew it would be him. My body reacted to his presence as tingles broke out across my skin that I tried to ignore. Didn’t anyone around here lock their doors? Considering what my bestie had been through last year, I couldn’t believe people could just walk into their house.

All six feet, two inches of True came sauntering into the kitchen. His blonde hair was messy, and his blue eyes were bright. Our eyes locked, and his lips lifted in a smile. He must have seen the panic in my eyes because his smile dropped as he rushed over to me. “Amara? Oh my god, what’s wrong?” His voice was filled with concern, and his brow was furrowed as he looked down at me.

When I couldn’t get words to form, my eyes welled up with tears. I knew if I opened my mouth, I’d blurt it out. He reached out and wrapped his sculpted arms around me, and for a second, I let myself melt into him. I leaned against his firm body and breathed in his scent. He smelled like the ocean, fresh air, and saltwater mixed with light cologne and something uniquely him.

“What’s wrong, Kennedy?” he asked her, but she stayed silent. I had my eyes closed, and my body pressed against his hard chest. I was waging a war inside myself right now. I felt a weird mix of arousal and nausea, and it was a mindfuck. How did I reconcile my body’s response to his with the fact that the lingering smell of coffee in this room was making me want to vomit?

Kennedy finally spoke up, “She’ll tell you when she’s ready.”

My body decided it had enough, and the urge to throw up won. I wrenched myself out of True’s embrace and ran for the nearest bathroom with my hand clamped over my mouth. I just hoped I’d make it in time. True’s concerned voice called after me, but I couldn’t stop and reassure him, or I’d throw up all over the floor.

I made it just in time for the tea I’d managed to get down to come right back up. Throwing up was the absolute worst. True came into the bathroom behind me and closed the door, and then he was pulling my hair off of my sweaty forehead and holding it back while he rubbed my back. When I was done, I sat back, wiping my mouth with the towel he handed me.

He slid down to the floor with me. “Are you okay, Amara? You’re scaring the shit out of me.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just a fucking mess right now.”

“Talk to me, what’s going on?”

When I looked up at him, his eyes were filled with concern. I hung my head. “True, I don’t know how to say this.”

“Just say it, I’m not going anywhere. We can sit here all day.” He took my hand in his and rubbed his thumb along my wrist. Why was he so damn sweet?

I took a deep breath. “Once I say this, I can’t take it back. It’s going to change things.” My heart was a jackhammer in my chest. I absently wondered if my heart beating this hard was bad for the baby, but I didn’t know how to get it under control, so there wasn’t much I could do either way.

He scooted closer to me on the floor and threw his arm across my shoulders, pulling me against him. “Whatever it is, I’ll be here with you, okay? Just tell me.”

I wanted to believe him, I really did. His reputation scared the shit out of me, but I also wanted to give him this chance. He deserved it. He’d never been anything but sweet and warm towards me. I had no reason to doubt him.

“I’m pregnant.”