Page 7 of Dirty Legend

I snapped my fingers in front of his face, and he jumped a little. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Uh, nothing. Nothing's wrong." He'd gotten about five shades lighter and looked like he was a little sick.

"I don't believe you."

"What the fuck ever, True. What's the problem? Sounds like you got what you wanted." I didn't like his tone. Was that irritation I heard?

"I don't know what your deal is right now, but the problem is I've been acting like a goddamn desperate asshole since then trying to get her to talk to me, to see me again, anything. I text her every single day with a song that reminds me of her. This morning, I texted her and she texted me back that she missed me, too. What the fuck does that mean? Why today? And now you tell me she's going through some sort of emergency?"

Zen stuffed his hands into his front pockets. "I see how that could make you feel a little crazy. Look, she's not in any life-threatening danger or anything. Just call her. If she won't take your calls…" He ran his hand through his hair like he always did when he was thinking through some heavy shit. "If she won't take your calls, come by my house tomorrow. She's staying with us. I don't know how long she'll be here, but do it in the morning."

I exhaled a breath I hadn't known I was holding. "Thanks, Z. I owe you."

"No, trust me, you don't. Just make sure you find her before she leaves. Fuck my life if Kennedy finds out I told you, but you need to talk to her, and the sooner, the better."

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I was going to make Amara talk to me if I had to chase her all over the world. I was done playing defense, it was time to go after what I wanted.

Yesterday my life had completely exploded around me, so of course, I did the only logical thing a grown-ass woman in my situation would do. I ran. I ran right into the open arms of my best friend, Kennedy. I’d called her with the news that I still hadn’t processed, and she’d given me a plan of action.

She was great at making plans. A plan was what I needed right now. I absently ran my hand down to my flat stomach. I’d been doing that more and more since yesterday.

This morning when I woke up, the smell of coffee had sent me running straight to the bathroom. I wasn’t usually a coffee girl, but the smell was disgusting. I’d dry heaved into the toilet for a solid ten minutes until Kennedy ran up to my room and lit a candle to get rid of the smell. I was a mess.

Yesterday she’d taken me to the doctor. Sure enough, I was pregnant. I even had the pictures to prove it even if all I could see was a tiny little blob that looked suspiciously like a seahorse. Despite the fact I was feeling completely shaken up, I already loved my little parasite. I still had no idea how I was going to tell True.

I picked up my phone and looked at the screen which had lit up with a text from him. I smiled at his morning song text and clicked into it.

True: California Love - Tupac

Oh, shit. What could that song possibly have to do with me? Other than the fact I was in LA. He must have known I was here. My stomach flip-flopped as adrenaline kicked into my system, and my heart started to race. I couldn’t see him yet. I had no idea what I was going to say, and I was a terrible liar.

If I saw True, everything would come tumbling out of my mouth. I wouldn’t be able to keep it to myself for more than a minute or two. Maybe enough time to get somewhere a little more private, but maybe not. This was not good.

I put my phone down, trying to ignore my shaky hand or the sudden nausea threatening to send me running back to the bathroom. Breathing in through my nose, I tried to sit as still as I could, waiting for the feelings to pass. I guess that’s not a thing that happens when you’re pregnant because the next thing I knew, I was running for the bathroom again. Puking sucked.

After a shower and a thorough scrubbing of my mouth with my toothbrush, I got dressed and went downstairs.

“Morning!” Kennedy greeted me with a grin. “Feeling better?”

I glanced over at Zen, who was drinking coffee. He raised his eyebrow at me over the top of his mug while I tried not to breathe through my nose.

“Not really, but I guess I should get used to it. Do you have any peppermint or ginger anything? I feel like I should put some nourishment of some sort in my body, but everything sounds disgusting.”

Kennedy shot a glare at her husband.

“I’ll just go finish this outside,” he said with a chuckle before walking out the doors leading to their deck.

“Sorry about that, Am. I told him, but he thought he could finish before you came down,” Kennedy said.

“It’s your house, I don’t mean to chase him out of his own kitchen. I should go apologize.”

“No, he’s good. I’ll make it up to him later.” She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“I love you, Ken, but hearing about your sex life makes me jealous. Apparently my hormones do more than just make me want to throw up all the time. I also had a crazy sex dream last night.”

She leaned over and placed her elbows on the counter, resting her chin on her fist. “Tell me everything.”

“There isn’t much to tell.”