Page 69 of Dirty Legend

We’d come up with a plan, a solid plan that Maddox’s dark, twisted, and frankly brilliant, mind had come up with, and it was too perfect. Miles and Kent had fucked with the wrong guy, and now they were going to learn just how screwed they really were.

This morning, I’d left a sleepy Amara tucked into bed with a smile on her face and a promise I’d be back the next day. I didn’t want to leave her, but I needed to handle this shit for good. Amara was adamant she didn’t want to go public with our relationship, and I respected and supported her decision. As long as these two guys thought they’d gotten away with everything they’d done so far, they’d never stop until they destroyed her.

Fuck that.

The short flight up to Washington was spent finalizing our plans. Maddox had reached out to some contacts he had that we’d need from his not-so sober days early on when our fame was skyrocketing. I’d always hated that part of his past, but now I was thankful that he was willing to step back into the dark a little bit for me.

Staying away from drugs had always been harder for him than the rest of us, but the past couple of years, he’d finally turned the corner. I’d make sure he walked away from this without falling back into it.

Just before we landed, I turned to Maddox, who sat across from me, sipping a glass of whiskey. “Are you sure you’re good to do this? We can figure something else out if it’s going to be too hard.” My only second thoughts had been about Maddox and dragging him back into the drug scene. But it wasn’t like he’d be using it. No, we had something bigger planned for the drugs he’d have to get his hands on.

“I’m good.” He clenched his jaw before lifting his glass to his mouth.

I nodded and leaned back, twisting the hoop in my nose. He lifted an eyebrow. “Areyougood?”

I blew out a breath. “I mean, yes? I think so. I know these guys have fucked with my family, and I want to get them back, but are we going too far?”

Maddox took another sip of his whiskey, his eyes hard. “These bastards not only harassed the mother of your child relentlessly, but they tried to sell her out to the media. What kind of damage would that have caused? How much stress? You know that shit’s bad for babies.”

My fists balled at my sides. “Fuck, you’re right. I need to keep reminding myself that they had plenty of chances to knock their shit off but didn’t.”

He raised his glass to me, and the muscle in my jaw ticked when I let myself think about how much worse things could have gotten if Harrison didn’t have the connections he had and that story had gotten out. It wasn’t just Amara I had to worry about, it was our baby. The reporters would be relentless, and I couldn’t have that.

The plane dropped, and my stomach lurched. I snapped my seatbelt on for the landing and tried to distract myself. “What are we doing first?”

“Are we still staying at Amara’s tonight?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I thought that’d be the most low-key place to stay,”

“Yeah, that’ll work perfectly. I’ll make a call when we’re on our way there and get my guy to put together what we need.”

This was my least favorite part of the plan because it was sketchy as fuck, but necessary nonetheless. I nodded, and we sat in silence as the plane descended.

As soon as we made our way into the car, Mad had his phone out and was texting with someone. He’d told me it was better if I didn’t know who and I believed him. While he was a good guy, I knew he had some shit in his past that wasn’t exactly on the right side of the law. Or morality. But he was my brother, and he was protective as fuck. He didn’t let many people in, but when he did, he’d do anything for you.

I was glad he was on my side. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to take care of this little problem.

We took a car service to Amara’s, and it dropped us off right outside her house. She rented a small one-story house with a garage close to downtown. Since it was only her, the house was pretty small, but there were two bedrooms which had plenty of room for us tonight. I hadn’t been lying to her when I told her I’d hire movers and pack her some more stuff to bring back on the plane with me tomorrow. I could multitask.

Using my key, I opened the door, flipping on the lights and setting my bag down inside the entryway. Maddox followed closely behind me, and I glanced outside before shutting and locking the door. It was mid-morning, so Kent and Miles should be at work, but we needed to be careful.

We needed to get in, get this done stealthily, and get the fuck out. We could get in just as much trouble, maybe more, for what we were about to do to those two dickheads.

“C’mon, your room’s over here.” I led Maddox across the living room and down the short hallway, pushing the guest room door open. He walked in and set his bag on the bed before pulling his phone back out and tapping the screen.

I left him to go grab my bag and get set up in Amara’s bedroom. While he set up the first step of our plan, I’d go pack everything from the list Amara sent me and then call some movers to see if I could get someone in here today.

Setting my bag on the floor, I stepped into the closet and pulled out a huge suitcase. I unzipped it and grabbed the list out of the back pocket of my jeans. Scanning it, I started to move around the room, grabbing clothes and shoving them in the case.

Maddox rapped his knuckles on the open door. “We’re good to go. Where are Amara’s keys? I’m going to meet my guy, and I’ll swing back by and pick you up after.”

I grabbed my keys and tossed them to him before I folded my arms across my chest. “Do you think it’s a good idea to go meet a dealer by yourself? Doesn’t that seem a little risky?”

He chuckled darkly. “This whole thing is one big fucking risk, but I’ll be fine. I haven’t wanted to touch that shit in years. It’s not even something I think about anymore, so you don’t have to worry, daddy True. I’ll be fine. Just be ready for my call.”

I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out if he was telling me the truth, but I couldn’t see any signs that he was deceiving me in his eyes. And I hadn’t seen him touch that shit in at least four years. Maybe he really was good now. Puffing out my cheeks, I exhaled loudly. “Fine. Text me when you’ve got it, and we’ll head over.”

I still couldn’t believe we were doing this. Maddox was right. The whole planwasfucking risky. Buying a shit ton of drugs to plant on some assholes that had fucked with Amara’s life? I wouldn’t have thought that shit up in a million years. But that’s why I called Maddox in. I knew he’d have a rock-solid plan for making sure Kent and Miles couldn’t get to Amara or our baby again. He’d make sure they’d stay away for good, and I wanted to be there to witness it.