Page 70 of Dirty Legend

Getting them thrown in jail for a couple of years was for sure fucked up on our part, but they were relentless. Outside of taking matters into our own hands violence-wise, I didn’t know what else to do to get them to stop. If they were in jail, they’d be forced to leave my family the fuck alone.

So here we were, Maddox about to go off and buy a fuck ton of ecstasy to plant in Kent and Miles’s house. Once we’d done some research on those two fuckers, we’d discovered they were roommates, and that’s when Maddox had figured out this whole plan. It worked out perfectly. I had some guilt about it because, despite the fact they obviously didn’t know the meaning of the wordno, I wasn’t so sure they deserved to go to jail for the next few years of their pathetic lives.

But I could feel bad about it later. Today was about justice. Maybe a little bit more than an eye for an eye, but when you came at my family, I didn’t fuck around. None of my boys did.

I was able to finish packing most of Amara’s list before Maddox’s text came through.

Maddox: Meet me outside in five minutes.

Maddox: Oh, and text Jericho.

True: K

I shot off a quick text to Jericho before grabbing my black hoodie and stepping out the front door, locking it behind me. Jericho was another part of this plan to plant the drugs. We needed him to hack their security system so we could get in undetected. I just hoped they didn’t have any nosy neighbors.

Maddox pulled up in Amara’s Mini Cooper, and I laughed. He looked ridiculous. I folded all six-feet two-inches of me into the passenger seat. I tried to get comfortable in a position that was anything but.

“We should have rented a car,” he grumbled, and I laughed again.

“Too late now.” We drove in relative silence, the radio on low in the background, but I doubted either of us were paying much attention to it. I knew every scenario that could go wrong was running through my mind as we got closer to actually pulling this off. There was no turning back now. We had the drugs in the car with us. I just hoped we wouldn’t get pulled over on our way there.

We didn’t want to draw suspicion to ourselves, yet we were two huge guys crammed into a tiny clown-like car, and if that wasn’t suspicious as fuck, I didn’t know what was. Maybe he’d been right about renting a car, but I didn’t want a paper trail on us for this trip. We needed to stay off the fucking radar. That meant no cards and no renting anything, hotel, car, or otherwise.

Maddox parked a few blocks away from the house that was now our target. I checked my phone and texted Jericho the address. We both stepped out and stretched. “Fuck, a car this small shouldn’t even be street legal.” He had a point.

I zipped up my hoodie and glanced over at Maddox, who wore all dark clothes, too. He wasn’t trying to look like a burglar, it was just how he dressed all the time. There was a crispness to the air that made me want to keep my sweater on. When I noticed we were both dressed mostly in black in the middle of the day, I figured it’d be less suspicious for me to be in a blue t-shirt than a black sweater, so I peeled it off and left it in the car. If we were doing this at night, the black would be welcome, but for the middle of the day, it was suspicious as fuck.

“Ready?” Maddox asked, studying me with his dark gaze.

I nodded, and we started walking. We stopped in front of a two-story house with the right number on the front. I checked my phone and saw the all-clear from Jericho. I had no idea beyond that how we were going to get in without causing damage. I hadn’t thought much beyond just getting here and getting the alarm system shut off. Jericho was our drummer but also resident hacker slash gamer and all around a scary as fuck dude when he wanted to be. The dude was crazy smart and could do anything he wanted, but we were all lucky what he wanted was to play music with us.

“How are we doing this?” I asked, trying to rub feeling back into my arms. It was colder today than I thought, and my adrenaline wasn’t working to keep me warm yet.

“Give me a minute.” Maddox moved away from me and across the yard to the side of the house. I followed part of the way and stopped in the shadow of the house, not wanting any neighbors to see me just hanging out in the front yard. A minute or so later, I heard a quiet whistle and finished walking around to the back yard where Maddox stood in the open patio doorway.

“Jesus, Mad. What the fuck do you do with your spare time?” Now my heart rate was skyrocketing, and the cold didn’t seem quite so chilly anymore. We were actually doing this. Once I stepped foot inside that door, there was no going back. I thought again to the hurt in Amara’s eyes when her boss let her go, the tears swimming and threatening to fall. I thought about the fear in her eyes when Kent confronted her in the office, all the times I saw her uneasiness as her phone beeped night after night after night.

My resolve hardened, and my jaw clenched. My blood rushed in my ears, and I was ready. I followed him into the house. From here, Maddox had a plan. We’d plant the drugs somewhere well-hidden enough that they wouldn’t find them if they came home before we tipped off the cops, but not so well-hidden that the police would have trouble finding them.

Maddox crossed the kitchen with me right on his heels. I swiveled my head from side to side, looking for a good spot. I wanted to spend as little time here as I possibly could. The longer we were here, the greater the chance we’d be caught. “How about in there?” I pointed toward the living room. It looked like a man cave, with a huge TV mounted to the wall, black leather furniture, and every gaming console known to mankind.

He nodded once and took off in that direction. He bent down, sliding gloves onto his hands. He pulled a few baggies filled with pills out of his pocket. “Go see if they have tape somewhere.” He handed me a spare set of gloves, and I walked back into the kitchen, pulling open drawers and rifling through them until I found a roll of packaging tape.

I made my way back over to Maddox. “Will this work?” I held it out for him, and he took it.

“Yeah, perfect.” He ripped off strip after strip, attaching each little baggie to the bottom of a couple of gaming consoles. When he set them back down, they were slightly tilted, but you wouldn’t notice unless you were paying close attention. Hopefully, they weren’t that observant. Hopefully, we could get the cops here before they noticed.

I took the tape and stuck it back in the drawer. “We done?”

He glanced around. “I’m tempted to fuck some other shit up, but I don’t want to tip them off someone was in here.” He sighed. “Fuck. Yeah. Let’s get out of here.”

We left the way we came, through the back door. Maddox turned the lock on the handle before we shut it, his gloved hands ensuring we didn’t leave any part of us behind.

As we crept back across the lawn, we didn’t speak. I turned my head back and forth, constantly on alert for anyone driving through the neighborhood, walking their dogs, or staring at us through cracks in their blinds. It seemed that this neighborhood was pretty quiet during the day, though, so we didn’t see anyone as we made our way back to the car.

Once we squeezed inside, and I turned the heater on full blast, I tried unsuccessfully to unfold my legs. “Fuck, this car sucks. She’s gonna have to sell it and get an SUV. I can’t ride in here, and neither can the baby.”

Maddox chuckled. “Good luck with that.”