Page 57 of Dirty Legend

She swiped at her eyes. "Can I think about it? When does Harrison need an answer? And how long would you have to do this for?"

I hugged her tighter against my chest, my heart hurting at the thought that I was causing her pain. "Of course you can think about it, honey. He said he needs us to let him know by next week. And as for how long just until the album comes out. I'll start recording next week, and it'll take a couple of months to get everything ready for the release. I'd say once it actually starts, it'll probably be about three months. It'd be over right before little P comes if the timing works out like I think."

She nodded and swiped at her eyes, turning her head and burying her nose against my neck. "Okay, thank you for talking to me about it. It makes me feel like we're a team."

"We are a team, honey. You and me, always. Okay?"

"Okay," she mumbled against my skin. We sat in silence after that, watching the waves crash against the shore, lost in our own thoughts. I hoped I wasn't making a massive mistake.

I let out a happy sigh because, at this moment, I was absolutely content. I refused to let the conversation from yesterday with True crowd back into my mind and ruin the post-orgasmic bliss I currently floated in.

True had been doing everything he could to make up for my tears yesterday and how shitty the situation we found ourselves in really was. We were caught between a rock and a hard place, but I loved him for including me in the decision. It felt good to have my opinion valued.

Over the past twenty-four hours, I had all the waffles, cuddles, and orgasms I could possibly want. But the real world was calling in the form of a text message from my bestie.

Kennedy: Lunch?

Amara: Yep. Pick me up?

Kennedy: Be there soon.

I threw back the blankets and stood up, stretching my arms high over my head. "I can feel you staring at me." I grinned at True over my shoulder, where he was still sprawled naked in the bed, eyes locked on me.

"Can you blame me? The most gorgeous woman I've ever seen isrightthere." He lifted his arm and gestured at me.

I let out a laugh. "Well, get a good look because Kennedy's picking me up for lunch, and you'll have to make it a few hours without me."

He groaned and pouted a little, which was so sexy that my body started to tingle in all the best spots. It was still crazy to me how much I wanted him, how he filled some never before discovered need within myself. Time apart was like torture, and I knew he felt it, too.

It was these intense feelings that had me even considering this whole Lexi fake relationship thing. If I wasn't secure in True's feelings for me and mine for him, it wouldn't even be a question. I'd have shut that shit down right away. While I didn't like it, I was at least going to think about it. I hoped Kennedy could shed some light on the situation at lunch today and help me make a decision on this craziness.

True jumped up and pounced, trying to grab me and pull me back into bed, and I giggled, swatting his hands away. "None of that! I need to get in the shower."

He perked up. "Want company?"

A shiver ran through my body. "Fine, but we'll have to be quick."

"I can do quick." He leaped out of bed and jogged into the bathroom. I giggled at his antics as I heard the water turn on and made my way to the bathroom. He'd already stepped into the shower, and I watched as droplets of water cascaded down every hard plane and contour of his muscular back. I could stare at the water droplets running down True's body all damn day from now until forever and never get sick of it.

* * *

Half an hour later,I'd thrown on a loose-fitting dress and flats and was waiting for Kennedy to pick me up. As I sat scrolling through my phone, my stomach fluttered, and I paused to see if I could feel it better. It happened again and almost felt like little bubbles popping underneath my belly button. I set my phone down, closed my eyes, and rested my hand on the swell of my stomach.

"You okay?" True's voice broke me out of the moment, and a slow smile spread across my lips.

"I don't know for sure, but I think I just felt little P moving around in here." I rubbed my belly.

He dropped his glass onto the counter and rushed over to me, both hands cradling my bump as he looked up at me with excitement in his eyes. "Really? I wonder if I can feel her."

We sat quietly for a few minutes, bubbles popping in my belly, and his hands not moving before my phone buzzed, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I think it's still too early for you to feel it," I tried to reassure him. The disappointment on his face was adorable, not gonna lie. He melted me with how much he already loved our baby. Every day he reminded me how fully in this whole thing he was with me. I knew I was so lucky to have him.

He stood up and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to hide his disappointment. "Yeah, I guess so." He leaned back down until his forehead pressed against my belly. "I love you, little P and daddy can't wait to meet you. Keep moving around and getting stronger in there, okay?" He kissed my bump and stood up, pressing his lips to mine.

"Have fun, honey." I stood up, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his body.

I sighed. "I won't be gone long, but I need some girl time."