Page 56 of Dirty Legend

My toes sank into the warm sand, and I sighed. There really was nothing quite like the beach, and it centered me ahead of the conversation I was about to have with Amara. I wasn't looking forward to it and had no idea what to expect.

We walked down the beach until we were away from all the buildings and people. I sank down into the sand and pulled Amara down in front of me between my legs. I tugged her back to lean against me and wrapped my arms around her until they rested on her stomach. I set my chin on her shoulder and closed my eyes, breathing in the mix of ocean air and her sweet cinnamon scent. The time had come. I either did this now or let it go and forget about it.

Amara was ambitious, though. She wouldn't want me bailing on my dream any more than I would want her to give up on hers. I took a deep breath.

"So, my meeting with Harrison today was interesting." I rubbed her stomach absently.

"Oh? What's his brilliant plan?" She lifted her bottle of water to her lips, and I watched with rapt attention as the liquid slid down her throat. I swallowed hard, willing myself to focus.

"You're not going to like it. Hell,Idon't like it."

She sighed. "Just rip off the Band-Aid, True."

"He wants me to fake a relationship with some big-name actress."

"Which actress?"

"Lexi Love something or other. I wasn't really paying attention."

She tensed. "Lexi Lovecroft?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Shit, she's pretty. A trainwreck, but pretty."

"I hear she's got an ugly personality, and no matter how pretty you think she is, I promise you she's got nothing on you."

She cracked a small smile. "You have to say that because you knocked me up."

I laughed. "I don't think that's how it works."

Amara sighed. "What does a fake relationship even mean? And how would it work?"

I slid my hand to the side of her neck and turned her head gently until she was looking into my eyes. Not gonna lie, I was surprised as fuck she hadn't just throat punched me for even suggesting this. "How are you not pissed off right now?Iwas pissed off when he brought it up."

She shrugged. "I reserve the right to get mad, but I don't have all the info yet, and I'm trying to stay calm for the baby."

I kissed her shoulder before I continued. "What it means is I'd have to act like I was in a relationship with her at scheduled public outings to try and get publicity."

"So hugging, kissing, holding hands. Stuff like that?"

I twisted my nose ring as my stomach turned. "Yeah, I guess. Fuck, I hate that we're even talking about this. It makes me feel sick."

"Me, too. But I want to be sure if we decide not to do it, we've at least talked about it thoroughly." I liked how she'd saidwe.

"Okay, fair point." I rested my chin back on her shoulder.

"What did Harrison say would happen if you didn't go through with this?"

"I don't have the name recognition to get the record in front of the number of people I'd need to. This would solve that problem." Fuck, I hated this so much.

"If you do this, we'd have to be even more careful about paparazzi, too, right?" Her eyes were focused on the horizon, and she looked thoughtful.

I blew out a breath. "Yeah, probably. At least for a while."

"I'm not going to lie, I hate the idea of this. I'm not normally a jealous person, but the idea of some other girl who's not the size of a whale with her hands all over you makes me want to stab someone. Preferably her." She sniffed, and I hoped she wasn't teary, though I wouldn't be surprised.

"First, stop that whale bullshit. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Amara." I leaned down and kissed her bare shoulder. "Just say the word, and I won't do it. You and little P are most important. I don't want to do anything that might make you question me or us. No matter what, I'd never risk what we have. If you can't handle the idea of this, I'll shut it down immediately. Truthfully, I don't know ifIcan handle it."